Evolution has a wonderful way to come up with random things when and where you least expect them
Slackware - T-55 or M3 Stuart
Outdated and should have been dead and gone a long time ago, but somehow still in service in a few places and stable
Ah, yes, the 2018 shock and disappointment that it's not real
We the Fedipeople
My God, they're just fanscreeching there and trying to make themselves interesting in the cringiest way about it. As always, tbh
Umm, that's a father-son relationship for them. What are they...?
Benny: "Hostages?"
Fuck Nvidia.
upgrades don't need forced restarts
major OS versions are, usually, non-breaking
new DE... same as the old DE but may contain new features. Long live the DE!
Remember those times when Microsoft said that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows, as it will get to a free "Windows-as-a-Service" model? My ass, now
I'd like to test him about the desire for control and dictatorial tendencies. He would fail every time
And he doesn't know that you never go full religious pineapple
Imagine how it will be with the "Trump, Biden and Obama play" series