
joined 11 months ago
[–] Wilzax 2 points 42 minutes ago

Needs root access though

[–] Wilzax 11 points 7 hours ago

96% of males with a 5'4" mother and a 5'2" father are taller than 5'2"

[–] Wilzax 2 points 1 day ago

Bro was grieving his wife

[–] Wilzax 2 points 1 day ago

Littering, unlike most petty crimes, is almost never acceptable.

[–] Wilzax 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There are 1000 korok seeds, 146 Bubbul gems, 120 shrines, 34 Yiga schematics, 32 sky shrines, and 20 sage's wills in Tears of the Kingdom.

I think that might top 300 trophies.

[–] Wilzax 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Proven false.

Waste of nuclear power plants is the most well-regulated specifically because of the anxiety surrounding it. The environmental waste of fossil fuel burning is MORE radioactive than the environmental waste of nuclear power plants. The most potent waste of nuclear plants is contained in a small enough volume to place in concrete casks, submerged in large pools of water (which blocks enough of the radiation to make it lower than background levels), and stored on-site under constant monitoring.

If you're worried about waste, you should be championing nuclear power, not shunning it.

If you're worried about long-term storage, we have MUCH more time to find a solution for dealing with the contained waste from nuclear power than we do to avert the environmental catastrophe that's resulting from us continuing to spew carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.

And if you're wondering what the biggest danger actually is, it's the construction of the plants. Which is a uniform risk across all types of power plants, not uniquely high for nuclear.

[–] Wilzax 7 points 1 day ago (4 children)

It's perceived as dangerous but it's much safer than any other form of electricity production. It's just more expensive because we don't have the construction capacity to just build all the nuclear infrastructure we would need without a serious premium. But once they're running, nuclear shakes out to be cheaper than undoing the climate damage we caused by saving money with fossil fuels

[–] Wilzax 1 points 1 day ago

Apple ruins everything it touches and sells the solution as a product or service

[–] Wilzax 4 points 2 days ago

As always, I have not visited the community, since it appeared in my home feed.

[–] Wilzax 22 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (5 children)

Eventually the proper name for the operating system will just be the full configuration.nix file, and we'll all rename our backups to "FullLegalName"OS

In this future, NixOS replaces all other distros as the defacto standard way to manage packages

[–] Wilzax 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Agreed. Free licenses should NEVER be applied to Apple-specific tools. They don't want to help the FOSS community, so we shouldn't help them back. Make them pay for it, or make them make their own version.

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