
joined 1 year ago
[–] WhoRoger 2 points 9 months ago
[–] WhoRoger 2 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Can't as there's no 32bit version and I'm bitter about it every day.

(Yes, I know about Mull.)

[–] WhoRoger 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I use it, it's my favourite messenger as it doesn't need a phone number or email or any signup. It works well, occasionally there are delays or bugs but nothing too serious.

People who run the onion nodes can also do some crypto stuff with them, which in my book is fine as it gives people an incentive to run nodes.

[–] WhoRoger 3 points 9 months ago (11 children)

Definitely adamant, but from what I've seen, nothing out of the ordinary on Lemmy where everyone is free to bring to certain topics and bitch about them constantly and anywhere (Reddit, Musk, cops...). Like everyone is free to pile on and brigade against Unity right now, so I don't see the difference.

If anything, I've definitely seen more toxicity from some defensive Sync users myself.

Back when lots of apps were coming out, I was also questioning how weird it is to have a closed-source ad-supported client for this platform that's all about open source and privacy, and was called all kinds of names. I've blocked quite a few people at that time rather than reporting, that's what I prefer to do.

I asked an admin directly several times if there was anything else than these kinds of incidents, and couldn't get a straight answer.

[–] WhoRoger 23 points 9 months ago

This one, lemmy.world

[–] WhoRoger 109 points 9 months ago (56 children)

For those who missed this. Izzy, the (only) mod at the science fiction community, was banned by admins.

The reason is him often complaining about there being ads in the Sync client for Lemmy.

Admins take that as toxic behavior and harassment, and ultimately banned him. Which... Take it as you wish, the modlog and comment histories are available.

Izzy came back from another account to say their goodbyes, as they no longer wish to be involved anyway. This post seems to have disappeared.

Then a bit later, admin came to SF to make a post looking for new mods. When people brought up the situation, they locked the thread.

[–] WhoRoger 15 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I was trying to think of a meme for this situation but I'm too depressed, honestly. So yea, apt

[–] WhoRoger 13 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Stating that Sync client has ads, on a post about Lemmy clients, is toxic.

Signed, lw admins

[–] WhoRoger 0 points 9 months ago

Right, I guess that tends to be the case with file managers if you try to use these features on something else than regular local files.

[–] WhoRoger 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Select multiple files first. If you have one selected, there's a rename dialog, with multiple there's a regex multi rename dialog.

[–] WhoRoger 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Ghost Commander does have batch rename. You need to select multiple files and tap F2 Rename. Dunno how to use it, but it's there.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by WhoRoger to c/ps5

Have you heard of this "classic"?

An old AVGN review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyaF_gCKWsI


Have you heard of this "classic"?

An old AVGN review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyaF_gCKWsI

Up: The web site's snippet says PS4 disc that works on PS5, but the actual live text doesn't. Maybe they've changed it.


I don't know if it has a subscription per se, but holy crap/crab

So, about the gym memberships... (self.fucksubscriptions)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by WhoRoger to c/fucksubscriptions

cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/3190681

You've seen Louis's rant about how difficult it is to cancel gym memberships. But I think he's mad at the wrong thing here, or at least not at the main wrong thing.

The worse issues, as I see them, are:

The main issues are:

  1. Why does a gym require membership/subscription in the first place? Ok sure, fixed expenses and stuff, but that's the case of every business ever, and my grocery store doesn't require me to sign up for membership to buy bread.

Where I live (Europe), gyms, swimming pools and other such establishments are walk-in. You come, pay an entry fee and leave whenever. Memberships and tickets for multiple entries are offered, but it's just to save money if you want it and are a regular anyway. So there's a steep discount coming with those. Businesses need go actually earn your membership money.

I kept seeing people joking about gym memberships in US TV shows and comedies, and just had to shake my head.

Not that people aren't trying to bring this subscription/membership rot here. One large local gym/wellness chain now requires membership and a phone app to enter. The membership itself is free (presumably you pay with your data in some way) and there are still just single entrance fees, but fuck that.

  1. I'd say it's good manners to accept cancellation of a contract by the same method as the sign-up. But in absence of good manners by businesses, laws should exist to enforce exactly this.

As far as I know, Europe-wide laws require cancellation of contracts to be easily available, at least using the same way as you can sign up.

So if the laws don't demand this, and businesses don't respect this simplest, basic logic, then there's something fundamentally more wrong than just "making it difficult to cancel".

And overall, it also just shows how far can things get when subscriptions are just accepted as normal thing. It always gets worse and worse, unless the law intervenes (if it does). That's why it's pretty much best to avoid subscription services and memberships whenever there's an alternative available. Sure, exceptions apply, but always think what the situation with your service will be in 10 years.


cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/tech/t/433816

BMW has made a U-turn on a controversial subscription service that saw drivers pay a fee to activate the heated seats fitted to their car.


How nice of them. But I'll bet my tyres that even worse subscriptions will come from all sides, and we won't need to wait long. These tiny wins against corporate nickle and diming only make sense, when we keep fighting them. More often than not, people get tired of complaining about the same thing over and over, until it just gets fully normalised.

In other words, don't buy cars with subscription seats, don't buy shitty subscriptions and try to not support companies that push that kind of shit.

Sorry for being a downer and not celebrating, but that's the point.

Unrequited (files.catbox.moe)
submitted 9 months ago by WhoRoger to c/starwarsmemes
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