
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

In China, most people equate being a communist with being a party member. Being communist isn't just some kind of label you associate yourself with, like in the West. I know from first-hand experience, because telling people I'm a socialist/communist in China prompts them to ask me whether I'm a party member. The average communist in the West can't hold a candle against the dedication and sacrifice of cadres in China. Heck, even people that aren't communists are often enrolled into semester long programs that require them to listen to socialist thought every weekday for 2 hours a day, all because their work requires it (due to receiving government funds, or working on projects that directly influence the wellbeing of others -> i.e. creating a private-sector web platform that harvests user data, which it can only use for the good of society).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In the future, if you want to know more about a certain phrase or topic, and the hand-wavy explanations on the web don't do it for you: You can add 导读, which will guide you through the terms and their meaning, often by giving practical examples. Here is a rather succinct explanation of every social value.

Also, feel free to add me on WeChat: weilanxiansheng

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Unless it has improved in the last 5 months, I'm passing. Somehow can't concentrate on their TTS. Might have to do with the stuff I want it to read.

Thanks for the tip though

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago


Going by their pricing model I'd have to pay $330 at mininum going by my listening habits... What the.

$22 a month for 2 hours. That's crazy! It'd be cheaper for me to hire an actual person with these prices. I was thinking of like $10 a book. They're asking at least ten-fold...

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Wish I could use this technology for myself to listen to non-fiction books. Even if it costs $10 I'd still feel it'd be worth it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Somehow I knew what this post was going to say before I even read it.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

European equality seems to based around "equal opportunities to exploit".

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

If you, for example, were in a vanguard party. Would this party be worth collaborating with or would they obstruct any and all attempts towards socialist takeover?

Are you happy with the direction taken and achievements the party has made in these last 5 years? Do you think their current plans are realistic, and are you happy with their scope? I think being pragmatic is the best course of action. Organizations that have their act together and have room for more radical ideas are hard to come by.

Unless you're willing to build a party from the ground up, build up a organizational framework that is able to fend off modern threats, and spend a decade maturing the organization as well as have the people to follow you along: I wouldn't bother splintering off.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

You can just sort by local if you go through lemmygrad.ml

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Did I hear somebody say "using their diplomats and government funds to cover up crimes against humanity committed by Shell in Nigeria"?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I'm in China, studying socialism and propaganda. Every other week or I check the top posts, but that's about it. I'm a lot happier.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The funny thing is; the Market Liberals are the most open to cozying up to China, as they're just following the money. The Dutch left has seemingly been trying to emulate Obama era politics and is wholly disconnected from leftism, willing to even give up socialwelfarism as long as it means they can be part of the inner circle.


They only defend China when it's the West attacking them, but it seems they won't support China on its own merit. China is seemingly merely a backdrop for their own political project.

They also did a lazy job on debunking, but that's an unrelated grievance.


Have been listening to audiobooks during my bouts of menial labour and have kind of run dry on things to listen to that aren't orthodox Marxism-Leninism. And while I did make a study guide for myself that covers Orthodox ML & Chinese socialism and annotated everything for which I could find an audiobook; I'd still like to learn more about socialism outside of the West and China.

This is what I've listened to so far:

Writers from the Global South

Western Writers about the Global South

The recommendations don't have to centre around socialism, and I'd be more than willing to pay for the content. I just don't know what to listen to next. Kind of out of my depth. I did find Che's on Guerilla Warfare, but I haven't started listening to it yet.


I fail to understand why I keep getting kicked/banned from leftist communities. All I did in that community was talk about the BRI, share my reading list, and fascinate about the guoxin-1: China's first deep-sea fish farm that's as large as an aircraft carrier. As well as talk to another person about how Chinese media could do a better job at outreach.

To these self-hating leftists, you can apparently only discuss China when they're dunking on the West. But when you talk about the BRI, Moderate Prosperity, XJP's New Era, or what have you: you get promptly done away with.

I now understand why none of the reading lists in Socialist groups don't include anything recent or from the third world. These people are stuck in the past and only want to lever the actions of AES states to support their own moribund view of their world and their socialist causes.

I just wanted to make some friends on the left.

What's up Western left? I didn't even post anything (check REVeddit), to that subreddit and have already been banned.

Why can I only talk about anything China-related if it's in relationship to the West? Are China and the CPC only a foil to Western leftists to promote their own form of socialism?

Does China's success on its road to Socialism give Western leftists a inferiority complex? Do people that talk about Vietnam or other people from the global South experience the same treatment?


Created a Community on Reddit (/r/putonghuaxuexi/) to help people improve their Chinese pronunciation with the 普通话学习 APP. The app is great, and people should really check it out.

The APP has been updated quite a bit since I made that subreddit and resources to create an account. If there is enough of an interest on here I'll update the guide.

Direct download link to the latest version (9.8.3). Click the "普通下载" button twice to download the APK.

The subreddit has material on how to create an account, or here is a guide for version 9.4.7, together with the (now somewhat outdated) APK.


As some of you in the West might know; the newspapers are filled to the brim with the "newly" released stories from Xinjiang. Well, I had an old friend reach out to me and tell me that they are against everything I stand for (supporting China) and that they wish that if/when I go to China I'll be oppressed like the Uyghurs. Before I had a chance to reply I had already been blocked. So I thought to go and check others and whether others had blocked me as well. I now have at least 2 people who deleted me because of anti-China propaganda. And while some of you might say; don't cry over spilt milk ... I do feel like more of a pariah with every day I stay in the West and openly support China.

These issues started during COVID. The sheer sinophobia I had to deal with on a daily basis during that time was absolutely sickening, but I mostly just grinned and bare it. Most of my time these last few years (while I wait for borders to reopen) is volunteering my time at a care centre for elderly people. Seeing as most of them have onset dementia I don't really get into arguments with them on China issues, as it's a fool's effort, but the anti-Chinese diatribes in the news have already caused the residents to not want me to come during the first waves of COVID and to not want me to cook Chinese food for them. These people read newspapers religiously and with these latest lies placating multiple pages I got told both today and yesterday that I don't have to care for these specific residents anymore. I'm lucky in that this job isn't a real job in that I don't need it to stay afloat financially, but I still feel really conflicted. I should probably continue volunteering and just help other elders in this complex or other complexes, but I have decided that I won't. Back during COVID, I was able to understand it somewhat that their xenophobia came from the fear of me transmitting COVID to them (because I interact with Chinese people and in their eyes would be more likely to be a carrier). Only this Monday I was literally showing and telling one of these residents, who used to be a farmer, about Chinese seawater rice and talking to them about the olden times and seeing their eyes light up to only be told today that they don't want me to come anymore because I support that very same China. I should feel very bad about leaving the remaining residents I helped, but I'm planning on quitting in a week or 2/3 and from then on I won't put another iota of my time and effort into improving Western society unless it also directly helps the people in the global South.

I'm just so tired.

EDIT: This is something I posted to get some catharsis, as I don't really have anywhere else to post this without sounding unhinged. Feel free to downvote it.

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