I was able to get reaper working with yabridge and using Steven slate free sampler, thanks for the help!
I was able to get reaper working with yabridge and I'm using Steven slate free sampler. Thanks for the help
I followed another commenter's guide using that command and it worked, thanks
Thank you! This worked!
Already had to use it and timeshift back lol.
No, I formatted it to ext4
I followed the video tutorial that was in another comment and it worked but my programs still can't write to it due to lacking permissions
I followed this video and the auto mount works, but my programs still can't write to it due to lacking permissions...
No, I did see some tutorials on using that, but they said that any mistake could result in crashes and having an ubootable pc.. so I didn't want to risk it.
I actually don't think I need to use wine anymore. I was trying to use it to get some music vsts, but I think I can do that through different means. But now I realize that it didn't work in mint because I installed the wrong one from the software store
I just recently switched to mint, and so far it's been great. I will say though, I find it pretty ridiculous how many hoops I had to jump through just to get my second drive to mount on boot and for programs to maintain write permissions to it. Which is a situation that a lot of non tech savvy will deal with when switching, especially gamers.