
joined 1 year ago
[–] WeeSheep 13 points 1 week ago
[–] WeeSheep 39 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I wish his supporters everything they voted for

[–] WeeSheep 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

That is way too smart for trump

[–] WeeSheep 74 points 1 month ago (2 children)

"Activists and strategists argue Democrats must shift from defending institutions to telling human-centered stories that resonate emotionally."

No, they need to actually defend institutions instead of just saying they are working on organizing themselves enough to start trying to defend institutions. We don't want stories we want actions.

[–] WeeSheep 3 points 1 month ago

As a breeder, yes babies learn that hunger is soothed by consumption. They have an innate sense to suck to sooth and most can suck and swallow. If they are uncomfortable from hunger (or anything else) they suck and if there's something to swallow they do. Quickly they learn that if they continue swallowing when not hungry it is also uncomfortable, so many learn to either not suck in the same way which might release milk from a breast or they enjoy a pacifier or thumb instead.

[–] WeeSheep 9 points 1 month ago

I had an argument with my partner that they got to sit in bed on their phone for 10 minutes while I had to get up and care for the newborn. They were paying bills. I was still jealous. The argument ended with us both agreeing we were tired and would send the kid to daycare and nap.

[–] WeeSheep 25 points 1 month ago

Not sure why you think it's that high of a number.

[–] WeeSheep 0 points 1 month ago

How else is Lemmy going to mine their data that they are male?

[–] WeeSheep 21 points 2 months ago (2 children)

A third world country with a Gucci belt. I've never heard that before and I love it.

[–] WeeSheep 1 points 3 months ago
Pasteurizing manure? (self.mushroomgrowers)

I have chickens, who create quite a bit of poop I can use to grow mushrooms, but I'm not sure how to pasteurize/sanitize it. I was thinking pressure cooker?

I ordered some spore syringes and I'm not sure if i should get premade bags with injection ports or if I should make my own bags. It's the same cost to buy bags and a used instant pot, and I already have coco coir. Once I get some mushroom colonies going I was planning on keeping it going by breaking it up and mixing it with fresh substrate, but I don't want to keep buying pasteurized manure.

How do people do this? I'm very new

Cloth diapers (self.babybumps)
submitted 1 year ago by WeeSheep to c/babybumps

I'm in the US and don't know anyone who has used cloth diapers. I have done research but I'm looking for personal experiences. I would love to hear what people like/dislike, types, fabrics, brands, etc.

Types I've found and my pro/con list:

All in one: used most similar to disposable. No prep necessary after wash/dry. Takes the longest to dry. Can't be put in the dryer, line dry only.

Cover: only used with fitted cloth diapers. Most difficult to put on because it's essentially two separate diapers to put on/take off. Cloth can be washed/dried in machine usually, cover is line dry only.

Snap liners: can only use liners with snaps from the same brand. Least amount of poop on cover because there is nothing between the liner and butt. Can reuse cover when soiled, but requires more time to remove liner and snap in new liner. Liners can be washed/dried, covers are line dry only.

Pockets: used with just about any liner. Cannot reuse cover once soiled, must be washed between used. Must be prepped with liners. Most similar to disposable for putting on/taking off. Liners can be washed/dried in machine, covers are line dry only.

Can covers be used with liners? If so, wouldn't the liners move around? Can they be used with anything other than a full fitted diaper?

I've asked a few other people online, so far everyone uses pockets due to ease of use while changing and easiest care for cleanup. I've heard covers with full fitted with best for heavy night wetters.

Has anyone used these before? Does anyone have suggestions or experience they can share?

submitted 1 year ago by WeeSheep to c/pottery

I have a lot of dry clay I have saved to reuse. Most of it is in smaller pieces, I'm working my way to making it into powder. I'm thinking of getting a rock tumbler to make small batches of powder since most of the pieces are pretty small anyway.

Currently, i put the powder and sometimes granules into a bucket and pour white vinegar and very hot water over it, sometimes mixing immediately sometimes waiting for it to cool. I always let it rehydrate for at least a few days before drying on a plaster board.

Currently I mix the clay by folding and flattening, as this is easier than wedging for me. I'll wedge smaller pieces, but for these larger ones I'll pop the air bubbles and smooth it out. So far it's been ok but I'll sometimes have a bubble I missed until I am nearly done shaping on the wheel.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to decrease the air bubbles trapped from rehydrating? Would a vibrating paint mixer work?

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