What if this “negotiation” is just trump’s way of reuniting with his hero, while appearing to be on official, big daddy business?
Honest question to someone who is a legit expert on … international treaties? geopolitics?
How the fuck can an uninvolved and uninvited country declare itself a party to negotiations for peace? Does anyone even think the US is authorized to offer concessions on behalf of an absent nation? Isn’t this entire disgusting spectacle unenforceable?
Yeah, I understand the need to take some sort of action against little adolph and this coup, but even the promoters admit that there is no objective here - so it’s only theatrics. Better to use energy and time in a manner that at least has a goal.
Since 1776, the United States government has violated or broken over 500 Native American and First Nations treaties that were ratified by the senate and signed by the president.
Why would anyone trust a nation with a track record of 249 years of duplicity?
Natalie Torres, who identified herself as a
Economic disaster, environmental disaster, health disaster - Shell’s mission.
Shell says it paid $52 million in taxes, royalties, and fees.
No mention of the state and local government tax credit of $1.65 BILLION for this plant.
It’s been years since I spoke italian, but I used to love listening to the news here:
Goddam UHC. Ever see anyone have an asthma attack? It’s like watching someone drown in air, clawing at their throat and panicking. Just terrifying. Those UHC motherfuckers need a million more Luigis.
So… emperor?