
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

Sex is a bonding experience with pleasurable physical sensations that takes time and planning to attain. Masturbation is a physical/sexual health act; this question makes as much sense to me as "How do you and your partner deal with showering?" or "How do you and your partner deal with pooping?" would.

I guess maybe the actual question here is something like: "Do you or your partner see masturbation as being in competition with paired sexual intimacy?" If that's the case, I'll use a simple food metaphor.

Sometimes I want to put together a nice steak dinner with all the fixin's, and sometimes I just want some beef jerky.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

Dude, look, I'm sorry Firefox killed your dog (or whatever). But please stop spamming your irrational hate-boner for Mozilla all over the thread.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago

when you keep banning things, those people crave it more.

Your lawyer called; he said you should stop posting your defense strategy for your upcoming CP trial to Lemmy.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I saw the thumbnail and thought "Scorched Earth?"

Then I clicked and, sure enough, it's Scorched Earth!

I had it on my computer for a very long time, but it's not programmed to take the increased processing speeds of modern computers into account, so trying to play it on a current system is playing it on super extreme fast-forward.


Is there a way to set an option to manually refresh the front-page feed? When I set it to "All" (or even sometimes to "Local"), I'll get a constant flood of posts being added onto page, and it's so fast that I can't keep up. This happens no matter what sorting method I choose; even "Most comments" will have a dozen brand-new threads with 0 comments drop onto my screen within just a few seconds.

I'd like to use "All" to find more communities to subscribe to, but right now, it's impossible to use. In the time it takes me to read a thread title, 15 more have pushed it off the bottom of the screen.