Just because France is still a shit hole doesn’t mean the protests don’t work
The states basically function like separate countries anyway so you can definitely protest on a state wide and it will be noticed. Look where you can start and not what you can’t do.
It’s not like we are protesting EU rules and ruglations with people from different countries, no we protest per country to make a difference.
Wait, do you mean Dick Schoof? The Dutch prime minister? Or does the US also have a Schoof?
It has nothing to do with profits because it is something that happens everywhere even in countries/companies that are less profit focussed (yes that exists, you see it more in companies following the Rhineland business model).
A friend of mine is way to smart for his own good has depression and is autistic. It is not like he couldn’t do the work, but it is A that he cannot guarantee he will be there every day and B he cannot really deal with people having authority on him. Nor does self employment work for him. Working together with him on anything doesn’t really work cause you cannot expect anything from him sadly.
And it is getting worse and worse the more he realises that there is a lot wrong with society. He is now basically pushing anything and everybody away, but apparently he is getting more productive now he stopped blowing weed (his words, not mine).
Yeah there are companies who don’t want to help people for profit/loss reasons, but that is not the only reason why some people cannot function like others in the world.
Yeah it’s a weird fucking name and i didn’t like the search results of it nor of Google so I switched to Ecosia instead
Even worse when you consider this is without tax and the compareisons are made to prices without tax. To be fair the rest of the world doesn't threat their eggs so they need to be refrigerated like these US eggs need to be, which also costs money.
The only issue I have with this is that this fules the generalisation of politics even more. There is a lot more of a nuance in politics than just left/right or conservatives/liberals etc. You see this more in countries with more politics parties. It’s not an either or but a spectrum.
But this meme really suits the current climate of Shitter and the US politic system
Cause people fail to awknowledge there is more to politics than just left and right, or progressive and conservative, etc.
What do you expect us non-Americans to do about it?
Exactly my point.
Considering Porton AG is owned by a foundation it is harder for the CEO to get rich of it so Ill just wait and see what happens
They don’t have that power even if they seem to think so
You don’t need to “own” greenland for that, you could have lighter security like the EU has with say Switzerland.