Or Gorn Flakes.
Counter their bullshit with your own. "We're not a union, we're a guild."
Hey, I kinda liked that episode.
Uhura, Chapel, and M'Benga were supporting characters in TOS at best, and were horribly underutilized the first time around. Spock was a main, but one main out of three doesn't feel like much. Kirk makes it two of three mains.
I think the main problem with Kirk, though, is that he kind of distracts from the regulars. Making him a once-a-season character, like Q in TNG, would probably work better than his three appearances during this one season.
You can also use the episodes they liked to recommend other Trek shows. Someone that likes the zany episodes would probably like TOS or VOY, for example.
It would be inconcievable!
Ah, I see! They pose as humans because they're embarrased about their lobe size.
Username checks out.
I figured they were more diverse before they started conquering other species. Military service seems to be pretty strongly associated with the nobility. My guess is that when they got some other worlds and species under their control Klingons as a whole became quasi-nobility and other species started filling menial jobs. This probably came to a head around the time of ENT. Some jobs, like lawyers and scientists, are probably restricted to Klingons for security reasons, but not as well respected since they're not traditional professions for nobles.
Really depends on the site, the time of year, and the specific topic. The Trek subreddit, for instance, tended to be pro-DSC when a season was airing and anti-DSC between seasons. Even here, that recent thread on the DSC Klingon redesign was very in favor of DSC.
I bailed on DSC back when season 2 was airing. Specifically, Project Daedalus was my last episode. Later, I tried watching it again and trying to enjoy it more on its own merits, ignoring the Trek branding and whatnot. I wanted to bail again at the exact same point. I don't know if it's a too many cooks situation with the constant showrunner turnover or if the writers' room just has an obsession with melodrama, but at no point did it feel, to me, like there was a good show hiding in there.
And now I wonder if they were poking at the random numbers when Boimler couldn't figure out what the stardate would be and just said 'the past'.