It's a 100 year old poem, I'm guessing it was pronounced different in that area at the time.
Baby formula is a common item for people to steal so they can resell it. So yeah, I'm going to say something. Stop supporting making baby formula harder for mothers to get and afford. It also helps drive these stores out of neighborhoods which makes it even harder for them.
These issues don't have to be so dumbed down and black and white on social media. That's a choice people are making.
Yeah it's a "this is cheaper and we're greedy" problem but people will add this to their AI fearmongering and hating circlejerks.
Apparently they're looking into nuclear reactors for this which doesn't waste as much water from what I understand.
Same. I didn't care for relay compared to RiF, not my preference, but it was good enough after RiF died. But now that relay is out too? I'm not sure I can stomach using the reddit app. I'm definitely not paying for anything either. I already pay with my mental health by reading reddit comments, I'm not paying money to do it too.
Yeah I think that comes from them promising to move away from the "holy trinity" early on. That lead to people just wanting to do everything at once. Originally the concept of not having the three roles sounded good, but the implementation sucked. Melding everything into one role is not the way to go about it. I'd rather see it closer to GW1 where there were non-standard mmo roles like the original mesmer.
Who disrespects healers? Everybody loves good healers in MMOs.
I always assumed vampires are sort of stuck their age mentally as well, for the most part. They can get more wisdom and knowledge but emotionally and sexually they're whatever age they got turned in. So a 200 year old vampire that got turned at 17 is basically a 17 year old in that way.
Same here in the US Midwest. 90% of these fabled amazing local businesses are incredibly overpriced and often run by assholes who treat you like shit, treat their employees even worse, and often don't know their products any better than a Walmart employee. Also often incredibly right wing, which of course connects to them treating their employees like shit again.
If I'm going to support bad people and bad business I'd rather do it in a way that benefits me.
WTF? Why would you smell moldy? Would you not wash the cloth? Do you think people who use wash cloths aren't washing them?
This thread is a disturbing trip.
Blows my mind that that was almost ten years ago.
This would be fine until you claimed what they're doing to Uyghurs is "fake news". Disgusting how some of these communities so openly support, defend, and cover up slavery and genocide because you support the people doing it.