Ah is controller supported on mobile? The entire reason I moved to pc was for controller support.
Although I do appreciate the better graphics on PC. Also no more overheating on my phone.
Ah is controller supported on mobile? The entire reason I moved to pc was for controller support.
Although I do appreciate the better graphics on PC. Also no more overheating on my phone.
A workmate mentioned it to me recently. Fortunately, our company does buy the license. Will be contacting the team responsible for it on Monday.
My manager is very forgetful, so not surprised he didn't mention it.
Connect kept giving me time-out errors. Switched to Lift-Off and it's better imo. Will be using it till Sync is out
Personally I'm fine with it not having cross-progression with xbox.
A modded save from PC will probably break when you load on xbox. Might even corrupt it.
Some of those "wrong" ones would be fine for instant messages like Slack or Teams.
Make a Mega-"Thread"?
Gandalf: <user> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported
Wait, do you know if this still happens?
I have a ticket in our backlog to investigate similar issue with Teams Webhook reporting success but not posting anything.
None of us wanted to look at it so been in our backlog for a whilr
He promised me a publuc apology if I return. But idk, kinda sounded like a threat to me.
one sync