This is true, but it would help incentivise the country to move away from fossil fuels.
Also worth noting this would drive up the prices of nearly all goods as well since shipping costs would rise.
There are good incentives for fuel subsidizes, but the goverment has failed at having stipulations to gonwith the subsidizes.
Personally, i think they should nationalize the fuel production industry. No one should get rich from a natural resource, especially one that is destorying the planet. Even more so since they have known about it for 70+ years and have been trying to cover it up.
Pretty on the nose, since one of my fav games, ubisoft created, turned off the servers and apparently lost the source code.
Ghost Recon Online was a great competitive 3rd person team shooter. Ubisoft did everything they could to ruin the game though. Predatory ftp, no advertising etc.