joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Yeah, I've tried some of them out, but am too bad at doing html to get where I want with most of them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Yeah, if I had the HTML and CSS I would be golden. I have no problems hosting an nginx container and all that.

The problem is as soon as I want to change something in the style/structure I am at a loss. I will start messing around where it seems appropriate, but I will never get it where I want, because I don't know html/css. I am only copying what I see and doing qualified guesses.

Yeah, I might hire someone to do a webpage some time in the future, but not now. For now an OK page will have to do.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I am very much aware that I am a beginner and getting started really is the biggest problem here. I don't know where to start. Doing bullet lists in html for hours on end in some web course feels like I am not learning much other than the names of different tags. But what is my next step? I don't know. All tutorials, courses or guides I find are either way to basic or way to complicated. This is where I am at, not knowing how to progress really.

I have done a blog using a simple Hugo theme before which was great. Therefore I was leaning towards that sort of tool now.

I have been looking at this Hugo theme, but never got it to work as I wanted it to. Also, it has to be re-done from "marketing" to just a dead simple company info page.

I appreciate you offering, but I don't expect you to work for me. I will figure something out eventually. I am just a bit frustrated. It feels like I should be able to whip something up. The task is not big, it is just new to me.

Thank you for your reply

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Cool, I will look into that! I am a bit scared it is above my level of understanding to jump into React when I can hardly do what I want in plain html and css, but I will test it out!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

A standard HTML file with some styling is all I need. I will host it on my own server in a nginx container on k8s.


I am a back en dev who is terrible at anything frontend. I can not design web pages. I know my stuff in the hosting and back end development though.

Now I have started my own firm for consulting as a dev/ops engineer and would like to serve some sort of company web page.

What I want is very simple. One page. Good looking design. Information about my company and what I do, and a mailto -link for contacting me.

One single simple static web page for this. No fancy scrolling or effects.

How do I go about this? I have tried 11ty, Hugo, WordPress, and simple HTML templates.

I feel like neither of these are the right tool. They are either very complicated, full of features, or they create badly looking web pages.

11ty, Hugo and Jekyll all seem nice and more like what I need, but they are focused towards blogging which does not fit my use case. The templates that look good that I found didn't work and had minimal or no instructions at all about how to get them to work.

What is clear to me is that I have a huge front end shaped gap in my competence that I should work on. Please do not bash me over this.

Now that you understand my situation; What tool or template would you recommend that I use?

I just want a simple good looking landing page with info and a link.

Thank you for any support or advice. I am just tired of failing at something I feel like should be an easy task to manage.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

What good will a work profile do me? As mentioned in the other reply, what privacy gain am I really looking at in return for the tradeoff?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I get the idea with running it in a browser, but that will give a really bad experience with no notifications and loosing the app among all 100 other tabs I might have open at the same time.

How naive am I if I just install it and deny it access to camera, microphone, contacts, location and all that? It should not be able to bypass the OS permissions system.

What I guess I'm asking is what isolation by browser will really do for me. I am trading off a lot of features that will be handy, but what have I won in privacy? I am still using the service.

I don't know what an app with only notification permissions can really do, but I guess the answer is "more than it should"..


I've started missing out on events just because I am not in the group chats my friends are having on there. That is where I draw my limit. I need to start using Messenger.

However I still wish to use Messenger with as much privacy as possible. I am looking for any advice that might improve my experience and lessen any privacy impact.

I will be creating a fresh account that will just have a picture of me and my first name.

I am running iodeOS (Google-free Android ROM with built in ad-block) on my phone and I am very happy with it so far. I will be blocking messengers outgoing requests as much as possible while still retaining base functionality, but I'm not sure how much that will help.

How do I best use Messenger on Android from a privacy perspective?