It was pretty eye-opening when I was in Germany and Austria a couple years ago and heard people parroting the EXACT right-wing taking points I hear in the States.
Mmmm. Don't forget the Sriracha.
Don't do the Nazis' job for them.
I agree, but also they don't make their money from sales. They make money from AWS servers/ services. I would bet that they lose money or maybe slightly break even on every sale of a physical item.
For not being an American bozo, you're being a bit of a prick.
I wish nothing but pain for this fuckhead. May he develop dementia and circle the drain for years, living in a puddle of his own mess, then die alone and sobbing the day before he would get the power to dissolve the trust.
I'd say that Bezos is more of a Harry Palmer villain. A little more grounded and based in reality that the Bond franchise. Muskrat is a Bond villain.
They threw batteries at Santa. They killed hitchhikerbot. What do we expect?
Also remember that if a protestor picks up one of these "non-lethal crowd control measures" and throws it back at the police, they get charged with Assault With a Deadly Weapon.
Even writing in the dirt on a new car can fuck up the clear coat.
What? You're saying if America becomes less accepting of gay people, Russia will become more accepting? Like, having a pride parade in retaliation?
Nobody should be surprised. The Nazi's ideas of eugenics were born in America. In 1939 the second-largest Nazi party was in America. A lot of Americans at the time thought we should be fighting for the other side.