
joined 2 years ago
[–] Transcendant 5 points 1 year ago

I've loved every episode of the latest series. New voice for Morty needs a bit of work but for me, it's as funny as ever

[–] Transcendant 6 points 1 year ago

Erowid is a brilliant resource!

[–] Transcendant 7 points 1 year ago

I think you and I had very different experiences! While ket abuse can defo lead to paranoia and becoming more insular, in my circles it was taken at hard house / trance events or after parties. Lots of silliness and fun times.

Unfortunately for my friend, he lived on his own in Manchester and fell in with a rough crowd after moving to Salford :'(

[–] Transcendant 105 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (21 children)

I lost a friend to ket. He was partying with bad people, he was sick, choked on his vomit and they stole his stuff / left him to die.

Ketamine is a very interesting ride, and has wonderful potential as an antidepressant, but for the love of yourself (and my badly missed friend, John the magic man), PLEASE have someone compus mentus watching over you while you experience it, if you choose to do so.

Also strongly recommend you DO NOT mix with alcohol.

[–] Transcendant 68 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Russia just cannot be trusted. Over and over and over again, they show this to the world.

Countries need to stop giving Russia 'one more chance'. Treat the Russian government like the fraudulent, evil pariahs that they reveal themselves to be.

[–] Transcendant 2 points 1 year ago

Imo a key problem we need to try and counter (as a society) is voter apathy. A lot of people just don't care, or don't have the energy after a long day's work to invest in sifting through political bullshit for the nuggets of true info (understandable). Some people even take pride in their lack of interest which to me is like being proud of being stupid.

Politics affects pretty much every aspect of our lives. It drives me nuts when people whinge and whinge about the state of the country but won't engage one iota with the process of improving things.

[–] Transcendant 1 points 1 year ago

I see what you did there ;)

[–] Transcendant 1 points 1 year ago

What is this AC you speak of?

Yours sincerely,

A British hobbit living in the darkness of technological failure

[–] Transcendant 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Remind me again, which USA political party sent a bunch of their senators to Moscow on Independance Day? Was it the one you vote for?

[–] Transcendant 2 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Putin isn't the only threat to global stability. I didn't say 'Russia will conquer the world'. Think.

What message does it send to countries like China (vs Taiwan who are crucial for chip manufacturing) when the USA is too weak to counter Russia?

[–] Transcendant 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Russia attacks your country in many ways, not just with troops. Do you know what asymmetric warfare means?

Your 'source' for 1:1 figure is a leaked, unverified document?

[–] Transcendant 7 points 1 year ago (16 children)

The US has publically stated they believe the losses are about 1:1

Can I see your source for that?

The counter-offensive failed. They did not re-claim any real amount of territory

Categorically untrue. It's certainly stalled, in large part because Russia was allowed the time to dig in deeply, as Ukraine was drip-fed the arms and ammo they desperately needed. You can't use the fact that Ukraine has not been properly supplied as reasoning to stop supplying them completely.

At some point you have to say it’s not worth the money we are spending and exposing our sensitive technology to hostile nations.

Again, most of the 'aid money' stays in your country. The money you are 'spending' is enriching US businesses and creating jobs. Further, the 'sensitive technology' is almost exclusively stockpiled weaponry that, if unused, would need to be binned eventually.

Leaving weapons gathering dust until they're not usable in case someone discovers how they work is utter lunacy. They were made to be used, and even better, you don't have to lift a finger as Ukrainian soldiers are the ones risking their lives.

Putin will not stop at Ukraine. The global system of order is at stake. The US looks pretty weak right now, and it's all thanks to conservatives (that's who I mean by 'you lot', I presume you're a conservative since you're posting anti-Ukraine material to a conservative group).

If you genuinely support Ukraine, then you'd support properly arming them so they can defend their country from a nation that's hostile to both them AND you. Russia has ratfucked your election system, ratfucked your congress and senate, interfered with your democracy (such as it is), as well as mine and many other countries. You should be gunning to get at them, not bending over backwards to do their bidding. Which is what you're doing by blocking funding for Ukraine.

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