May I suggest as a privacy respecting alternative that actually has its own web crawlers and indexers.
That's what the FUTO Circles project was supposed to be about, but sadly the project got ditched by the original devs for it only a year after it started. Info on that here -
This is amazing! Portnoy is having so much fun here, and it truly incredible he was able to go through life without having heard this song before. Thanks for sharing this!
I had the honor of mastering this song and two albums for these fine folks, along with seeing an excellent performance by them at SXSW in 2018 - truly a great band and great people too.
Good to know. Also a point of info: RFK Jr. is against "big pharma vaccines".
Except within the USA, declining population growth could be reversed immediately simply by returning to our pre-1924 immigration laws (i.e. the Ellis Island era) that between 1890 - 1924 allowed the USA to have some of the largest economic growth it ever has done. Yet "conservatives" (better termed "regressives" or "reactionaries") these days want to do the exact opposite, out of xenophobia.
I like Librewolf a lot, and do use it sometimes on desktop, but they do not offer a mobile version, and there have been a few web pages I have found it was not compatible with.
Historically, more often than not, when a narcissistic megalomaniac is victim of a close call of targeted violence against them, rather than them becoming more empathetic with the sadly large swathe of humanity that also often faces targeted violence, they just double down on their own paranoia.
Yeah, software support tends to be pretty bad for their devices, with few updates, and they are often bad with posting kernel source for their devices, so hard to get custom roms or flash alternative OS's on them too. But if you want a phone that has a battery that can last 3 days straight - they are indeed available for purchase
Unihertz and Oukitel both make "rugged" phone models with giant batteries - aimed at weekend campers with giant hands. And Fairphone and Volla both have phones that still allow for easy battery swapping.
Geddit also works well as an open source, no-account needed, Reddit browser -
Windscribe is a good one in my experience -