I consider myself an introvert, and I had to work hard to build that social muscle. Once its built though, you dont have to work as hard to maintain it, and people become less draining. Is it fair that extroverts dont have to work as hard to do this? No. But you have advantages they dont. It sounds like you need to either find a career where you dont need to work in a team (unlikely) or develop your social skills.
Looks like how it tastes
Damn gamers still be the worst huh?
Is that milk or....
lol there's no way the poster actually fired anyone. If there's one thing I've learned its that most business don't like to fire people, its too expensive. They just talk a big game, do write-ups and generally try to use passive-aggression to present an air of "you're on thin ice!" Odds are, if your employer needs you THAT badly to work your shifts, they're not gonna want to train an all new person to replace you.
Thats why I got a Convection Microwave. Best of both worlds!
Yeah im def on the side of science communicators. Make real info accessible and fun especially for younguns.
I go through phases like this, and its best to try other hobbies for awhile. When you feel that drive to play again, you will know.
I dont play consoles for this reason
Heard a few gems in STALKER 2 "Better a lousy peace than an awesome gunfight"
Well yeah but we ARE in a gaming community so thats what we're talking about....