Need to get back in to Zomboid. Cant wait for the new updates
Its good!
Imagine citing cliff racers as a positive. Ya'll forgot what Morrowind was actually like, huh?
Men liking pictures of beautiful women is not weird. I think it's weirder that our economic system incentivizes selling empty sexuality and even emptier engagement from consumers of it.
Dog Training can be a magical thing. Having a line of communication with your animal companions sates our human instinct for peer bonding and acceptance. It's kind of a facade, at least when dealing with commands but what a beautiful illusion it is.
I didnt say my way or the highway or even imply that. Just saying you gotta have strength of conviction. I make concessions and compromise all the time. I dont yell or bully my kid, but i stand firm when she acts out. Now who is making assumptions about whom?
Lol this aint even true. The average marriage age for men is 30
I can only care about what i care about. She can be mad or sad about my actions but ultimately helping her become independant and moral is more important than selfish desire to be her friend. I do want her acceptance and grace, but my hope is those will be side effects of being a reliable father.
Worrying about approval is something weak people do, and weak people make poor parents.
My daughter is 2, her forgiveness is not my concern.
Looks sweaty in there. I cant imagine the smell after a few weeks