Check out Deus Novum
Thank you! It's really overdue in my opinion.
Good catch on the link. Youtube disabled my previously working hyperlinks until I verified my phone number lol. How random.
Eidle eidle eee... eidle eidle eee...
Mine too! It was such a special game that clearly left a huge impact on a lot of people.
Thanks let me know what you think!
There isn't any support for a controller at the moment. I haven't tried it yet, but a controller just seems like a horrible fit for this games control scheme. In the future I would like to add controller support with added enhancements to make it feasible like a different throwing technique.
Multiplayer, mod support, and VR support are all things I would like to add eventually but I need to work on the core first. Mod support will likely come sooner, but I probably won't add multi-player or vr until the game leaves early access.
Its all just a scam I'm afraid. There's no real benefit to any of these ideas.