
joined 7 months ago
[–] Tier1BuildABear 5 points 11 hours ago

Meanwhile Sacagawea was like this is just a normal Tuesday getting groceries for me

[–] Tier1BuildABear 1 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)


All I did was voice my issues with this instance. Can someone not do that here without getting crucified?? Jesus

[–] Tier1BuildABear 1 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Sure, once you've migrated all your subscriptions. Oh, you know, except for the ones that are blocked on whatever instance you're migrating to.

[–] Tier1BuildABear 9 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Demos are almost completely gone, so make your own demos :) but still feel free to actually pirate from ea, Ubisoft, Sony, etc

[–] Tier1BuildABear -5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

All birds are reptiles

[–] Tier1BuildABear -2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Nah, right now, using your analogy, it's a pie stand. Like a lemonade stand, but for free pie. The neighbors can come around if they want for free pie. As I'm walking by, they're asking the neighbors for help: too many people want free pie, they can't make pies fast enough. I like their pies, I like that they're free, but lately they just haven't been having what I'm looking for.

I say to one of their neighbors, "their pies tasted better when they were using real sugar, but they're scared the kids' mommies will be mad because their kids are up all night so they just took the sugar out. Didn't even replace it with anything. The Johnson's still use real sugar, they don't care."

I start to walk away to get a Johnson pie and now all the neighbors are angry with me that I prefer pie with sugar. They say I should be THANKFUL for the charity work from the neighbors I didn't fucking ask for. That, just because it's volunteer work, that makes them above criticism. Everyone else is happy with it, so I should be too.

I'm thankful for the mods and their volunteer work. I can still disagree with decisions they make. Really not hard to understand.

[–] Tier1BuildABear 0 points 1 day ago

Constant migration to combat enshitification

[–] Tier1BuildABear 2 points 1 day ago

So far that's what I've been doing, but apparently that's the wrong move according to some people lol. I guess you can take the redditor out of reddit, but you can't take reddit out of the redditor XD

[–] Tier1BuildABear 2 points 2 days ago

Idk, I think I prefer spade-assapple

[–] Tier1BuildABear -1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (15 children)

Yeah, every time the mods get power hungry just migrate all your subscriptions. Super easy. Better hope the next instance isn't also blocking some of your communities.

[–] Tier1BuildABear 32 points 2 days ago (6 children)

Remember when people were using allo and Google play music? Google doesn't.


Basically the title. Sometimes I turn on the deck and the SD card icon is in the top bar, it shows it's connected but doesn't see any games on it and prompts me to format (and also shows it only has 30mb of space). ~~Rebooting and/or~~ removing and reinserting the SD card seems to fix it until the next time. I'm really not sure why, unless the card is failing and I need a new one? This happened on both my old lcd and the new oled deck so I don't think it's the port. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: not an SD card issue as many guessed. Seems to be an OS issue


Hello, I'm looking for something to help me manage my daily tasks, something I can check off my chores, and they show up again the next day. I heard about todoist but they immediately wanted me to sign in or create an account. Is there anything out there that doesn't require that? All I can think of that it'd be useful for (other than transferring between phones) is selling my data

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