
joined 11 months ago
[–] Thrashy 18 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Insert Legolas and Gimli meme here, except it's an Argentinian Exocet and a British Storm Shadow.

[–] Thrashy 28 points 2 weeks ago

Their numbers are declining, but it's leaving primarily those who are most psychotically zealous in their commitment to fundamentalism and Christian Dominionism. Those few who don't toe the line completely are either finding themselves pushed out of their communities, or their communities are having to make adaptations to allow mutually-incompatible views of theology to coexist, to at least temporarily.

[–] Thrashy 3 points 2 weeks ago

So far a fair number have actually come out against the verdict, including Lindsay Graham... which makes me think there are a number of Republican legislators who own guns and enjoy partaking in a little nose candy from time to time, as well.

[–] Thrashy 2 points 2 weeks ago

Different Vance. Cy Vance was the prosecutor who treated Epstein with kid gloves. J.D. Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy, who was briefly the darling of liberal media types for showing how the folks of Appalachia and the Rust Belt have been abandoned by those in power, before realizing he could do better for himself by gargling spraytan-orange mushroom dick and riding Trump's coattails into right-wing demagoguery. He's a Senator from Ohio now.

[–] Thrashy 22 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

PT Cruiser people are weird.

[–] Thrashy 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The play-by-email mode was broken to the point of uselessness in Civ5 and I don't think they fixed in it in 6 (you had to have an always-on Windows desktop system running the server, and because the game logic was integrated into the graphics engine you couldn't run it headless, and then on top of that there was basically no working system to coordinate active DLCs between players so most of the time people couldn't join even if you did get the damn thing running) so my friends and I tried once and gave up. I would love for 7 to have a robust PBEM system so that we can play together without needing to spend hours a week watching paint dry while everybody else plots their turns, but I'm not holding my breath.

[–] Thrashy 27 points 2 weeks ago

The entire history of the nation of Israel is basically proving the axiom that "hurt people hurt people," but on a geopolitical scale.

[–] Thrashy 19 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Former child prodigy with a Special Interest he immediately shares with anybody who takes a passing interest in him, prone to over explaining, so uncomfortable with emotionally charged situations he sends an astral projection to fill in for him... I personally don't think it's intended to be read that way, but I can see how some might choose to do so.

[–] Thrashy 48 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Gale is my least-favorite party member from a personality standpoint, so I asked my wife why she's always romancing him in every playthrough. She said, "I dunno, why would I be attracted to an autistic-coded nerd who talks like he ate a thesaurus?" and I don't know how to process that.

[–] Thrashy 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Somebody else posted the top frame a few days ago, and I finally got around to compositing all the pieces together into the glorious bottom frame. When I went back to the previous post I saw Kolanaki had suggested something similar in the comments, and felt it was appropriate to acknowledge that.

[–] Thrashy 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Unfortunately I can't bring reciepts on account of your screeds getting rightfully binned by the moderators, but there is a difference between:

"The Jewish people have a strong history of valuing education that's put a lot of them into the middle and upper classes and have also historically been the victims of vicious oppression, and the Israeli state has never been shy about using either of those things as a cudgel to get away with their own human rights abuses"


"Israel is secretly in control of Intel and other vast swathes of the Western economy and are manipulating everything behind the scenes for their nefarious ends!"

The latter of which is what you were spewing in the Technology community a few weeks ago and earned the ban-hammer over there, and which makes up a not-inconsiderable part of the rest of your comment history. I find Israel's history of oppression -- which, to be clear, extends not just to Palestinians but to the non-Ashkenazi Jewish diaspora as well -- and their current war crime spree in Gaza utterly abhorrent, but you've let yourself run all the way to "actually the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were kinda true" in opposition, and that's some racist shit which you've been rightly banned over from multiple communities. You can oppose the Israeli state without engaging in rank antisemitism.

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