Love to see it
Reddit is fucked. I have a stash of memes to post when it’s time to brigade.
No but it’s a matching tattoo with my bff’s trucking logo. The space bee episode is our favorite and we both watch them out of order so that we catch an unseen episode when we do season rewatches. I still don’t know if I’ve seen every episode and I like it that way.
Fuk yeah
I don’t doubt it. It probably sucked also, but being able to truly getaway from it all was probably also peaceful.
I have a futurama tattoo. Do I qualify?
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Look. I know what the majority opinion is. But I loved Hardknocks. Last season is nominated for an Emmy. Plus would we have love Jamaal or Rodrigo the same without it? Come on. Let’s do it again.
I asked the tweaker outside my work what this meant. He talked for 2 hours.
At least your neighbor’s dog is American. My neighbor’s dog barks in Mexican Spanish when I get home.
It had to be hard for Kerby to watch his son move to a different conference and division.
Born into a Christian trailer park with only two choices? Why not do both.