
joined 6 months ago
[–] The_Snail 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It does count toward the final score, as does searching all of level 5 even if you beat Goo and find the Rat King. If you don't search the entire level you lose points.

[–] The_Snail 6 points 5 days ago

Yes. I came very close to starving many times. Keeps you moving. I found a lot of Maps and turned them into clairvoyance stones. That helped cover a lot of ground without backtracking and searching. That was a big game changer this time. I also used an upgrade to make stones of enchantment an got a Blazing bow. A mimic dropped a Ring of Might +3. Another drop had a warhammer +1 very early on. A Ring of Haste helped conserve food and move along faster. I got the Rose too, on level 22, so that was useless. One should be able to eat the rose. I found 3 healing wells. I usually don't find more than one or two in a game. I tend to get the mind vision ones a lot more. Not sure if that is by design or get random.

[–] The_Snail 1 points 6 days ago

Well done! Most people tend to get a Win by the 300th game, so you are not doing bad being ahead of the scale. Sometimes, everything falls into place. Of course, now you have to ascend all the classes 🙃

[–] The_Snail 4 points 6 days ago

Classic. I haven't seen that one in ages.

[–] The_Snail 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And the Duelist makes for all 5 classes. That was a difficult one. I had a nice +5 Blazing Assasins blade early on, but I didn't get Plate Armor until I bought it off the Imp on level 20. With the Duelist, blinking and slashing usually killed on the first hit. My second weapon was a plain whip, however, by selecting the proper skills, the +5 and Blazing effect from my blade gets applied to my whip. I took out 7 Wraiths with one attack using the whip.

The +3 Ring of Arcana I got off the Imp on level 17. Cursed of course, but that's why one always keeps a Remove Curse scroll handy.

The Ring of Might I found on level 4 in a random drop. It was +1. By using 2 of my Upgrade scrolls, I was able to use weapons and armor much sooner than normal.

I also had a Spell Book artifact that was basicly useless to me. When I found a Scroll of Transmutation I appied it to the book and got the Talisman... that was very usefull!

[–] The_Snail 1 points 1 week ago

And the Duelist makes 5.

[–] The_Snail 1 points 2 weeks ago

It is part stradegy, part chance. I've played and created RPG's for decades. I love the Rogue-like genre' because it is different each play. Typically though, by game 300 one usually gets at least one win. If you haven't won in all those years, you need to change your method of play. These types of games can not be won on pure hack-n-slash alone. Although videos may help you, they only show how THAT scenerio worked out at that time. Another option is to try another version of PD ( hundreds exist ). Although Shattered is one of the best it is not at all the easiest. Try playing EASY PD for example. Get in a few wins and get your confidence up. Then try a harder PD/SPD.

I presently have ascended with 4 of 5 classes with the new SPD, but I've been at this game for years.

[–] The_Snail 1 points 2 weeks ago

This was a very difficult one to start. No decent armour or weapons until level 11. Starved to death twice (saved by Anch's). Healing potions didn't start showing up until later in the game. I did however find 7 potions of Experience! Eventually it all worked out and I was able to ascend with the Rogue. That completes 4 of the 5 classes now.

[–] The_Snail 1 points 2 weeks ago

I have finally did an ascent with the Wizard now. It was a lot more difficult. 2 deaths, and one ascent all the way to the second floor where I starved to death.

That is 3 of 5.

Laughed so hard when my staff, imbued with a wand of Frost, was enchanted with Fire 😜

[–] The_Snail 2 points 3 weeks ago

45 Gold!

Yes, she's babababa bad, to the bone. My favorite class.

[–] The_Snail 4 points 3 weeks ago

I did get 2 scrolls. One I used on an artifact, and the other I converted into augmentation stones for my armour and crossbow.

What I find amusing is that I conquored this game in a single run with a class I don't usually use and I get advice on how I may have done better.

Going to try the Huntress next.

Point here being however that v2.4.1 works.

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