
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I do this and would not recommend for someone with arthritis. You have to have a strong grip to keep the hand grinder from spinning

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

Holy fuck I hate HOA's/condo boards

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Could dual boot your laptop or run windows in a VM as someone suggested. Onlyoffice was what finally solved the office compatibility problem for me during school. O365 is online anyways and works on Linux...

Replaced gboard with a FOSS keyboard without internet access on your phone? I use and like AnySoftKeyboard.

Are you on stock android or a privacy friendly ROM? That'd be #1 on my list. I use grapheneos on a pixel 8 and would recommend. Whether you have google apps on your phone or not they have access to everything you do on stock android 🤷‍♂️

Either way I think its important to recognize how much you've already done, and not stress about what you can't change yet. You're already more private than 99% of the general population and you aren't in school forever. I was in the same boat with a windows partition on my laptop for a couple windows only programs for school (online test invigilation can be a bitch for compatibility, windows in a VM generally doesn't work I found), but school ends and that partition is gone now.

TL;DR You're doing good, don't stress if you have to keep some stuff around for school, give onlyoffice a shot, look into privacy friendly ROMs for your phone.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Its not unheard of to have underground walking tunnels in cold cities connecting buildings and areas, but I haven't heard of any expanded to support biking.

University of Calgary has a bunch of them if I remember right, can get all over the place underground when its cold AF out.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Patience pays off, thank you

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago (13 children)

So fuckcars but only when its sunny?

Frozen North checking in, just passed 1 year car-free biking everywhere, rain, sun, or snow. No such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

And people that are too used to being comfortable all the time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sad, no mention of direct action.

If you actually want to accomplish anything that's the only way it seems. Protesting isn't doing shit. Voting isn't doing shit. You have a presidential candidate (who may win) begging for bribes from oil companies in public!

All those guns in the States yet no oil execs heads go pop. SMDH

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

This but unironically

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

You can also download ready-made decks for different categories in many languages. Useful for expanding your vocabulary I find.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

+1 for simplelogin.

Cancelled proton unlimited since the majority of their platform is lacking features on Linux and switched to just a simplelogin subscription to pocket the savings.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

KOHO has a single virtual card that can be reset... but it would reset everything being billed to that card ofc so not quite 1-1 with's per-service virtual cards.

That being said, my koho card was also compromised and their chat wouldn't let me dispute the transaction or talk to a human for another 3 days after the fact so I just closed it down.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Probably need to uninstall the xone driver you already installed from that link. Then open the welcome screen again (super key + type welcome, should be there) and there's an option to install the xone and xpadneo drivers already setup for nobara on one of the tabs there.

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