
joined 1 year ago

I'm just curious if it is on the table at some point. I only see a small slice of beehaw when I'm logged in but the active participation feels like it is on a downward trend. Like, there appears to be ~700 on here right now. I know numbers aren't everything, but overall engagement is important. I'm on several instances with different accounts. I've been gravitating towards my .world account because it is so active. I get a grouchy or rude reply still from time to time, but it seems like most of the trolls have gone or been removed. That instance seems to be maturing fast and growing some personality all its own. The server seems constantly stressed, but Ruud is holding it together. The moderation seems much more in check now too. That's just my perspective. I'd like to see everyone come together again, but I am just one user.


I don't want the super health food tree bark nonsense you give nonbelievers. I'm looking for better than those of any animal infidels. Don't hold back on me now!


I'm not talking "you don't need a knife" level here, I'm looking for, "you need a spoon to finish the last bits" level of falling apart.

What are your specific techniques and tricks for different cuts?

Also, if you know a great Tennessee style dry rub I really want to know about it please.


Tell me the details like what makes yours perfect, why, and your cultural influence if any. I mean, rice is totally different with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and Persian food just to name a few. It is not just the spices or sauces I'm mostly interested in. These matter too. I am really interested in the grain variety and specifically how you prep, cook, and absolutely anything you do after. Don't skip the cultural details that you might otherwise presume everyone does. Do you know why some brand or region produces better ingredients, say so. I know it seems simple and mundane but it really is not. I want to master your rice as you make it in your culture. Please tell me how.

So, how do you do rice?