Excellent synopsis! Thank you!
Nevermind...I get it now. Here's a better article for those of you like me...
I read this article, but I still don't understand. Am from US... Apologies for density.
And pp Good.
Everyone here freaking out, take a hard look at this next to a lobster and tell me what makes them so different? They'll be importing these to Saudi Arabia, covering them in gold leaf, and serving them to idiot billionaires for ridiculous money as a "delicacy" any moment... If it's not already happening.
Wrong Leary. The devil's talking about Timothy Leary, in this case.
I know...It's not nice to laugh, but the unexpected hostility caught me just right.
I hate foreshadowing...
152k to 1.5 milhouse is definitely an astronomical increase. Where does that number come from? For that matter...has he been funding all of this on his own up until this point?
Oh, good! Well then, best wishes for a quick, safe, and firm landing.
My deepest hope in my heart of hearts is that the people who don't believe in scientific evidence, (read: morons), are being fed this shit as part of a eugenics program designed to cull the dumb out of the herd. Therefore... Didn't discourage these people in their beliefs! Eventually, they'll fall victim to COVID, (or whatever the next pandemic might be), removing them from the gene pool, allowing Thanos' plan to come to fruition, and affording us the chance to survive the nightmare our species is currently experiencing.