I have a pihole setup and did not get any ads when testing there. I think you might want to add more lists to your pihole.
USB -C would like to talk to you. So many bad terrible cables.
The Legend of Alon D'ar. Never talked to anyone who's played it. I know some people have due to YouTube videos, but it's not a great game and I ended up beating it because I had nothing better to do.
Yeah this shot in particular stood out when I watched the episode. Very cool style.
Factorio, Terraria, Civilization, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Street Fighter
Learn your local / state / federal employment laws. Employers will try to fuck you over due to your ignorance. If they try to pull something illegal on you, figure out who to report it to. I had one of my first employers "Adjust" my clock in and out times by a few minutes sometimes and really what they were doing is short changing me of overtime pay.
Most of the people I've worked with in the games industry I've seen get promised promotions and never gotten them or gotten them years after they should. Most promotions and significant pay raises come from switching jobs. 2-3 years at a job is plenty of time.
You can infinitely go around and around a roundabout or a clover leaf interchange.
Gillian Barnes
I don't know why but I always get stuck around the spirit temple and have to look up wtf to do. This has happened every playthrough and you'd think I'd remember it. Good luck!