I’m pretty confident there’s not many Americans willing to sacrifice themselves for their respective political party lol. Who’s chomping at the bit to take a bullet for Cruz or Menendez?
They should call Drift Souls, Elden Nurburgring or Sekivroom
Data Protection and Privacy laws need an absolute complete overhaul.
I think instability of the world at the current moment is being acknowledged by military brass throughout NATO as having the potential volatility to see current regional conflicts expand considerably. Middle East, Taiwan, NK (unlikely but a bit of a crapshoot always), Ukraine, etc. Throw in the wild card that is Trump and his rhetoric surrounding NATO and Europe combined with his embrace of Putin and Russia/dictorial aims in the US and you’ve got several things that would have you worried presently. His job is to make sure the UK is ready to address any situations that arise I think statement is more publicly acknowledging that troubled waters COULD be on the horizon.
If she has any sort of sense about her, it would damn smart to stay in as long as possible to build notoriety for herself. Positioning yourself as the Donald Trump alternative, the generational political alternative, the gender alternative, etc etc sets you up well for the future. I don’t doubt Trump will win, but to pull out super early would be a mistake.
I wouldn’t bet on it but the NFL is a crapshoot and they have good QB. Anything is possible.
Seems small but something like this could kill this plane as a passenger jet if enough people are avoiding em.
Yeah both those games are better than anything recent, still amazed we haven’t gotten a proper remake of KOTOR yet tbh. Easily one of the best Star Wars stories in any medium and that whole era could be its own movie saga.
It's a good game. If you're gonna copy, do it well and they did. Probably the best SW games in a long time and the combat system works really well with it. But yeah it's nicked entirely haha.
That’s because they can’t rule by consensus