You should upgrade from your Razor to a phone made in the last decade, they have a lot more space now.
It’s a bass, a common musical phish!
Probably people like my parents, who aren’t down with the far right but still don’t want to vote democrat. Makes no sense to me but there’s definitely a segment out there. If they know there is a less extreme GOP option they’ll vote that way 10 times out of 10.
Maybe they just a ton of lube, butter that bad boy up before a big battle and let a rip!
Nah, definitely not especially right now.
Anime is great, watch it about midway through your playthrough for the best impact imo, you’ll understand the world at that point and get the most out of it.
Wouldn’t it be a better solution though inevitably? I know nothing about the region so please don’t take offense, just seems if Palestine was granted autonomy while it would be rocky at first being free to govern themselves would probably be good in the end right or am I missing a lot on the situation?
I am sorry but with PL and 2.0 it’s beyond great imo. Loving every second of it, they fixed and improved so much it feels like an entirely different game to me.
MS would just buy them once public if they thought it’d be less hassle to deal with
Lol try being a CEO and answering to your shareholders about how you’re not trying to maximize profits and growth. Like it may not be legally required but you’re kind of required to just by the nature of the role itself.
Apple is pretty reliant on China for other aspects of their business though. HBO doesn’t make phones.
Europe is over there debating on spending 2% GDP on their military currently as the entire rest of the world is preparing for major potential conflict escalation.