Wait. Does Virginia actually have a Robert E. Lee license plate? What the hell?
joined 2 years ago
Fucking Jimmy Pesto.
He was taunting during the play. He was late to react to the wide receivers running down the field.
Needed that.
You mean the boomer known to wear nazi and thin blue line apparel is a fascist boot licker? I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked!
I wish they banned shots to the head earlier.
Man cares about people. Must be gay. Huh?
Must have had trouble when it was obviously time for him to beat Jarrett for the title, too.
A couple of heart attacks. Only sad when thinking how sad my mom and dog would be if I died. Otherwise, pretty chill. Once the morphine kicked in I didn't care about anything.
Board games like:
- Wits & Wagers
- Say Anything
- Hues and Cues
- Codenames
- Scattergories
- Racko
The last thing we need is to keep making it easier for the offense.