
joined 1 year ago

So after reading a number of posts and comments on here about Linux, I've decided to give 'er a go. I have access to an Azure VM, but I have never done anything involving Unix before and have only a basic understanding of coding in general.

Where do I even start? The most daunting thing for me is command line script, as it seems I have to memorize close to 150 common commands and their functions. Is there a set of tools or free classes that would make it easier for me to understand, or should I just get stuck in there? I was planning on using Pop!_OS since I do a lot of gaming and it seems like the closest thing Ubuntu has for that purpose.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Combine them! Make a ciser; they're fantastic and significantly higher ABV than traditional ciders.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My favorites are Blades in the Dark, Savage Worlds, and Wushu.

Blades' setting is extremely fun to mess around in, think Dishonored. It's a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so if you know that style it's pretty simple to pick up.

Savage Worlds lets you make up a lot of your own settings, abilities, races, etc. much easier than D&D, and includes a unique upgrading dice system for stats. It also houses Deadlands, which is one of my favorite settings of all time.

Wushu is essentially just old Chinese/Japanese martial arts films boiled down into a game. Super fun, extremely fast, and limited only by your imagination. It is really rules-light so keep that in mind. I think the entire rules are about 18 pages long, and the rest of the book is optional rules and settings.

Honorable mentions go to Call of Cthulhu because Eldritch horror is my jam and Vampire: the Masquerade because sometimes I want to get political with my urban fantasy! Oh, and Fucked-Up Little Man because one-page Dark Souls RPG funny.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I always found Reddit to be more enjoyable in the niche subculture stuff anyways, hopefully some of those communities move over here. You would think that the admins for Reddit would understand the "innovate or die" mentality, but that unfortunately does not seem to be the case. I too am looking forward to what Lemmy/KBin brings as a replacement.


Finger limes are an unusual fruit that has caviar-like flesh and pops in your mouth. They come in all kinds of interior colors, and sound amazing. I've been trying to find some in California, but they're native to Australia and I haven't seen any even in specialty stores. Does anyone know where I might find them here?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I've been reading The Wandering Inn, which is amazing btw, but it's started getting a little intense and I want to take a break for a bit. I wanted to read something similar, and I like how serious the author takes the topic. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've already blasted through Hedge Wizard and Arcane Ascension for additional references.

Edit: here's a compiled list of the recommendations so far, and where I'm putting them.

Currently Reading: Cradle

To-Read: Practical Guide to Evil, Bastion, Mother of Learning

To Check Out: Beware of Chicken, Only Villains Do, Way of Choices,

This feels like a pretty solid list, but I'll update as I go.