I think I got GTA5 for 5 bucks. I think I'll wait for GTA6 for 6 bucks
How many blinks are necessary to signal it's time to burn it down?
So you would pay 120 for dlc every year...
It encourages innovation
What is it is 1/3 of a continent, 20% more characters, and 5x more buggy, but... they add more microtransactions to the game so you could give them even more money.
You're going to be on a list soon
I'm sure the misogynist gym teacher with the emotional aptitude of a 15 year old who's partner has to drink themselves ready for the same missionary sex they've had for the past decade is a great teacher of sex-ed.
Hey Turkey, can you stop funding Hamas it is being really counter productive to my funding of IDF.
Digital Collectors Edition, comes with a digital movie, digital pictures, and a digital directors blog. None of which you actually own, so it can be removed from your collection that you collected as a collector....
I'm still hoping that DMC comes out with an alpha 5 variant I can afford
You don't want to rent a 38 year old movie for 9.99? But it takes so much effort for them to lend it to you!
I went to school with a person like this. It was agonizing seeing them on Facebook back in the day with these posts.
"I need a washer dryer combo because mine broke"
Then a week later saying
"I like to thank God for the washer and dryer dropped off at my driveway, praise Jesus for His gifts"
Bro that wasn't God, that was Cletus from the repair store.