Honestly the most fun I had on Wheels was before I realized the tutorial existed, and I was brute force learning the game with trial and error. Then the game kind of got really easy. Still fun though.
I have a pretty large city, but something is wrong with my tax calculations? I have one industry pumping out 150x the taxes of everything else combine. Just a blanket of $5m from lumber an in-game hour, next best is Metals at $45k a day.
Oh, I didn't notice that. Good call.
I never thought about that as a romantic story before... but here we are.
Might be time for an AI Wife
Pretty sure the EU has done more for USA privacy on accident than our own government has done in general.
I love the last bit, "... these incidents are un-related ..." Wow, thanks, I never could have figured that out.
yooouuurrrr buttttttttt
My wife and I have spent this last month essentially doing a Spring Cleaning of our subscriptions and memberships, and holy hell is it satisfying to just cancel things without any fucks given.