
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Seriously, some people are that good that you know they could do almost anything very well in a matter of days.

So why not ? I always have a lot of respect for someone that is willing to drastically change their lives in order to improve.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Est ce que les gens en ont vraiment quelque-chose à faire du programme RN quand ils votent pour eux ?

Je pense que ça vote RN par opposition avec les parties traditionnelles et que le programme pourrait être turbo pedonazis raciste que les gens voteraient quand même pour eux.

Je pensais que c'était une caricature du RN le "il faut les essayer car on a essayé les autres et c'était nul". Bah en faite non c'est vraiment l'avis de pas mal de RN.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 week ago

What about laws that just concerns them ?

Because saying no to every law reducing their revenues seems to also be frequently blocked...

Who the hell gets to decide their own salary beside some lawmakers?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Rend l'argent.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 2 weeks ago

He wanted to infiltrate the raccoons. There was just a minor flaw in the plan.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

This seem increasingly pointless.

Sorry but trying to prosecute Russian hackers seems like a total waste of time. It's extremely hard to prove who hacked and Russia doesn't give a shit about the ICC. On top of that I would think there is much more dramatic case to prosecute than that.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

My instance tried to disable downvotes and it was a fiasco.

So yeah a lot of people are keen to remove user feedback in any way possible in the hope to lessen toxicity until they notice that it's a double edged sword. People can't dislike stuff just to troll or for bad reasons. But people couldn't even downvote a spam bot and you essentially are at the mercy of anybody if a mod is not close by ready to act. Likes and dislikes are a way to outsource moderation to the users. So either X has a secret army of moderators or that will just result in a lot more trash being on the foreground.

No likes on X means that the spammers, racists, stalker will essentially be at the same level of visibility than any other user.

I'm sure that will go just fine...

[–] [email protected] -3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

There were a lot of people making the case that anybody who can open your computer because they have your password (abusive partners included) could then have a lot of access to your activity.

Isn't this true for any process with elevated privileges on your computer?

The valorant anticheat could just as well get all your data without you ever knowing it.

At the very least it's better to have that feature in a secure setup rather than the Microsoft approach where it seems like an afterthought at best.

You know I'd rather people be on Linux where you can check what is going on rather than blindly trusting Microsoft (or Apple) that they only do what they tell me they do on my system.

I'm just saying that it's not good to immediately assume what Apple will do will be as bad as Microsoft. They could take a bad idea and make it a slightly less bad idea.

Also security and privacy has very little value for the average consumer so it's naive to think the feature won't be used and useful to many people.

Most people give willingly their data to social networks so these kind of feature and their effect on privacy seems a bit pointless to me. If you don't like that kind of feature maybe a closed sourced system is not for you after all.

It's like people are worried about leaking data on what they do on their Windows computer all the while they already sent a ton of telemetry to Microsoft for years. Nvidia will happily scan all the apps you start for troubleshooting purposes.

Every little bit helps but I really think using windows and asking for your privacy to be respected is strange.

Windows 11 was already a privacy nightmare before this feature was tested.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Merci pour les explications.

Ceci dit je ne vois pas tellement la nuance.

Meurice a été accusé d'une infraction qui n'en était pas une. Si le parquet n'a pas poursuivi implicitement c'est une admission qu'il n'a pas commis cette infraction ou qu'elle n'est pas suffisamment caractérisée pour justifier tout cela ?

Si je ne peux dire qu'il a été blanchi, est ce que je peux dire qu'il bénéficie de la présomption d'innocence et qu'il n'a pas été condamné pour les infractions qui lui ont été reproché ?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I disagree, I think Apple will do this feature with privacy/security in mind which Microsoft didn't do.

I absolutely don't like Apple but I think it's undeniable that they try to keep their OS secure. It's still a golden prison but at least it takes privacy fairly seriously.

Microsoft didn't seem to think about the challenges of that feature and it looks like a draft from an intern after a 1 hour meeting.

Obviously, something that scan a user screen has some implications that are hard to miss.

So yeah it's easy to point at people and say they are fanboys. But in this case the fanboys would be probably right in the sense that Apple already did better than Microsoft when it comes to privacy.

At the end of the day both are businesses that you shouldn't trust with your data but I would trust a lot more Apple than Microsoft for doing this right.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

USA : Si le jeune homme avait un gun il aurait pu se défendre au moins ! Je propose d'équiper tous les citoyens proches des commissariats avec des fusils mitrailleurs pour éviter les bavures.

Plus sérieusement c'est bien triste de perdre la vie pour un truc aussi con.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (5 children)

Licenciement sur la base d'une mise en garde de l'ARCOM ? La même ARCOM si tolérante vis a vis d'un Hanouna totalement débridé ?


Je comprends l'agacement de France Inter mais un licenciement pour quelqu'un que la justice a blanchi je comprends pas.

Si France Inter ne peut accepter les provocations de Meurice pourquoi l'ont Ils recruté en premier lieu ? En plus il a pas l'air d'une humoriste "grand public"... ou "calme".

Complètement con cette histoire. Et je serai Meuric c'est clair que je le referais immédiatement si j'étais remis sur mon poste. Question de principe soit c'est de la liberté d'expression a travers de l'humour soit c'est illégal. Mais faire la police de la blague c'est lourd.

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