Yep! The second one
I've always felt strongly identified with parts of the autism and ADHD symptoms but not with all of either so I always assumed I was just self-diagnosing or was simply a bit too close with both spectrums without fully being into either or something like that. It's hard to discern also because I've been depressed for some time and I'm asexual so sometimes I just attribute some of my non-typical traits to that.
But in the last 5 years I feel like I'm deteriorating at a growing rate and doing even the smallest things is incredibly hard for me, even things that I used to like like reading or playing videogames, not to say things like working or intense socializing. I know that getting an official diagnosis is the way to go but I'm in South America where the infrastructure/system for all this is even lesser than in Europe/USA and I'm broke anyways. My current goal is to work to get enough money to survive and get the diagnosis, even if it feels like am working at 15% capacity.
In the meantime, does anyone know of some kind of scientific test or resource that might help me clear my mind in regards to what I am/have? I promise I'll get an official diagnosis as soon as I can but I feel like even identifying that I probably have a ton of ADHD or whatever it is and getting some commonly-held tips about my particular condition could help me lots right now.
I watch a few, but the first worthy one that comes to mind is TBSkyen.
Let's see who gets this one:
Find your 107 pals (if you bother to do it), build up your castle and go up against that psycho dude weirdly fixated with porcine epithets.
An exception: menslib
FWIW I just read the first book and while I found the world interesting I got tired of the book jerking the main character off so much.
I noticed this basically stopped happening once I made an effort to erradicate all ragebait content from my internet diet
I use the suscription feed, when I'm no longer interested in a channel I unsub and move it to my bookmarks so that I can keep track of it if I want to check it or even sub again for some reason. This way I have 2 feeds: a slow one (subscription feed) which I check daily and the home feed where the algorithm might recommend me something interesting if I want something else to watch. I might check that one many times a day or sometimes not check it for weeks or even months at a time.
I sometimes also unsub from channels I would like to keep being subbed too but they are just too spammy (e.g. Northernlion would just clutter my sub feed so I moved him to bookmarks and I still check him a couple of times a week).
As for the bell I don't use it because I don't like notifications for most things.
For people with Letterboxd I found some lists where it's easier to compare with your watched movies (by hovering):
Now personally I've watched very few of the movies in those lists and almost all of those I've given very bad scores or have abstained to. The best one was 3/5 for Star Wars Episode I, which I though was fine.
Thanks a lot for the recs! I'm not usually in the mood to watch LPs with commentary, but every so often I do, and I do appreciate having bookmarked channels for that purpose when that time comes. The thing is I'm even more picky about the letsplayers having something significant to say when they play the game than with the essay videos since those at least are not that big of a time sink.
It doesn't necessarily have to be (1) though-provoking insights since that's very hard to do on the fly (though I'd love that), but I also do appreciate people that can (2) speak about the emotions the game is eliciting in them openly and with some nuance or (3) if they have some expertise in a related area (like character design, writing, music, history, etc) share some interesting stuff from time to time. 2BSkyen manages to do all three of those so I do check his LP channel occasionally.
Do you know which of those recs you gave fits some of those best?
I think it's what you say but since he took over the "he is doing it on purpose" theory has been grown and been repeated so much that he's gotta be aware of it (especially with how too online he seems to be) and will probably endorse it in the future to shield himself behind it.
Is there a way to insulate apps in my phone from looking at stuff they shouldn't? Kinda like Firefox Multi-Account Containers.