The chicken burger patties I buy are packed by weight and have alot of variation in thickness, so the box can have anywhere from 6 to 8 patties, but of course, most commonly has 7... but they are so good, so we put up with it, lol.
I don't off-hand remember the brand name, lol. Would have to check. But they are currently a red box at wal-mart. They have changed brand name a few times while we been buying them. I think it has deli in the name now, but that could also have been the previous name. They have a wide range of chicken products, we get the nuggets and strips too. It's all the same meat, just different shapes, but different shapes go with different meals, lol.
The article should be titled "this is why", since it basically just states all the reasons, but puts question marks after them instead of periods accidentally.
Maybe they meant "it was not immediately clear which of the various reasons given were the specific one each person in the crowd was booing for" But does it really matter if they only heard of one of those reasons, or if some of them knew multiple, or all of the reasons.... even knowing none of them previously, just his current presentation at that show alone was reason to boo him even if you had no idea who he was.