
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tarquinn2049 4 points 1 week ago

Yeah, rush 2049 was my favourite from the SF Rush series.

[–] Tarquinn2049 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah, fair. Me and my brother definitely played alot of that.

[–] Tarquinn2049 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yeah, RnR, as well as SF Rush 2049 were basically my entire childhood.... so much so that I have been using this user name ever since. Though, if I could somehow also add in a tokyo extreme racer reference too without it getting too long or complicated.... or culturally insensitive... I loved those games too. Not enough proper Racing RPG games any more. You never start from the bottom and work your way up. Modern racing games just have you win cars in the lottery...

[–] Tarquinn2049 4 points 1 week ago

Well, just think how many of Russias bombs have been destroyed by Ukrainian buildings, Ukraine is financially ruining them...

[–] Tarquinn2049 6 points 1 week ago

Yeah, the solution to being bullied is to just do whatever the bully wants you to do, no matter what the downside will be. Why did you stand up for yourself against the bully? Why are you still standing up for yourself against the bully? I suppose in Trumps world it really is about who bullies him and who he in turn bullies, that is just the way some peoples minds work. They think there is some fixed hierarchy and that "order" must be maintained in their mind. Because if the order isn't retained, they might slip further down in "the order".

[–] Tarquinn2049 12 points 1 week ago

It'll just be added to pile of hundreds of other invisible reasons why people are "too lazy to get a job". So that the people suffering from them can be blamed instead of other people feeling bad for the situation they had either little or no control over being in. That's the standard playbook response to this kind of thing. The sufferers are wrong to suffer, they should just be normal like everyone else. Not being normal is wrong. So they deserve to be poor or dead because they are the ones in the wrong.

[–] Tarquinn2049 1 points 1 week ago

It means he's from a country where they have to say the quiet part quiet still.

[–] Tarquinn2049 2 points 1 week ago

Sort of, but skinny when older still makes it easier to be happy. I am only 41 so far, but in hanging out with people older than me, it still held pretty consistent for them.

The main problem, of course, is that losing weight (or not putting it on in the first place) is not straightforward. So many people will tell you to "just simply..." not how it works. It's complex as hell and varies a surprising amount from person to person. You could go to multiple experts for help before finding a solution for everything that was in your way specifically. But everyone acts like it should just be a simple thing "you just aren't balancing your input and output", or whatever their one simple trick is.

There could be any of hundreds of things in the way.

[–] Tarquinn2049 5 points 1 week ago

Wait, do they actually believe this? It seems like it would be tough to string this series of words together on purpose.

When Snopes asked the White House for comment on the "Long live the king" posts, spokesperson Kush Desai replied by email:

After Democrats weaponized the judicial system against their political opponents and coerced social media companies to censor dissenting voices, Americans took a stand in November to preserve democracy when they overwhelmingly elected President Trump and rejected the left's authoritarian thuggery. The Trump administration will continue to defend the cherished rights and freedoms of everyday Americans while putting America First.
[–] Tarquinn2049 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah, we should boycott all social media.... hey, wait a minute...

[–] Tarquinn2049 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah, guess the person that made it wasn't ADHD with OCD tendencies, just regular type.

[–] Tarquinn2049 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Man, we need a compression algorithm not designed primarily for human faces, so it compromises in some other way than red being half the resolution of all the other colors.

And also, in the mean time, broadcasting companies that broadcast compressed streams of video, like pretty much every single one of them now, should stop having all-red logos... like, what is the one color that is broken on all our stuff? Ok, let's use that one to show how awesome we are... make sure there are lots of tiny details that would benefit from enhanced sharpness in our red logo too...

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