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Gov. Ron DeSantis gave no explanation for zeroing out the $32 million in grants that were approved by state lawmakers.


Leaders of arts organizations in Florida, many of whom have worked in the state for decades, cannot remember a governor ever eliminating all of their grant funding. Even in the lean years of the Great Recession, at least a nominal amount — say, 5 percent of the recommended total — was approved.

Established arts organizations usually know better than to overly rely on nonrecurring state dollars subject to the discretion of politicians, said Michael Tomor, executive director of the Tampa Museum of Art. But to cut funding at a time when arts organizations are still struggling to recover from the coronavirus pandemic sends a concerning message “that taxpayer dollars should not be used in support of arts and culture,” he added.


Mr. DeSantis, a Republican, gave no explanation for zeroing out the arts grants. His office said in a statement that he made veto decisions “that are in the best interests of the State of Florida.”

In all, Mr. DeSantis vetoed nearly $950 million in proposed spending and proclaimed that the remaining $116.5 billion came in under the previous year’s budget.

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Between 2012 and 2022, there were 21,000 reported cases, according to Brazil's Ministry of Health. This resulted in more than 4,000 deaths and, over the past decade, there have been more than 6,500 amputations - averaging two each day.

Maranhão, the poorest state in Brazil, was found to have the highest incidence rate globally at 6.1 per 100,000 men.

Symptoms of penile cancer often start with a sore on the penis that does not heal and a strong-smelling discharge. Some people get bleeding and colour changes of the penis, too.

When detected early, there is a high chance of recovery through treatments such as the surgical removal of the lesion, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

But if left untreated, partial or total amputation of the penis, and possibly other nearby genital organs such as the testicles, may become necessary.


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The Continent's housing crisis has gone from being a slow burn to a four-alarm fire — but some countries are handling it better than others.

One of Europe’s long-simmering political frustrations is suddenly boiling over.

From Lisbon to Łódź, voters are angry about the lack of affordable housing. Anti-immigrant riots broke out in Dublin last fall, fueled in part by claims that the Irish capital’s limited public housing was being given to foreigners. Meanwhile, in cities like LisbonAmsterdam and Milan, thousands of protesters have taken to the streets to denounce the lack of affordable homes.

In a poll ahead of last week’s far-right surge in the European Parliament election, the Continent’s mayors listed housing as one of the most important issues facing their constituencies.


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Fireworks launched from a yacht in Greece sparked a forest fire on the island of Hydra on Friday, the local firefighting authority has said.

The blaze burnt the only pine forest on the tourist island, which lies south of Athens, the authority wrote on Facebook.

It has now been brought under control, but with difficulty. As there are no roads to the beach, firefighters had to access it by sea, while helicopters dropped water from the air.

The cause of the fire has prompted outrage in Greece, which is already battling several wildfires and is in the grip of its first heatwave of the year.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah but then most of his votebank is in UP, MP, Rajasthan. Shouldn't he be solidifying his rapport in those regions which keep him in power.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

It will be great but they have to change the laws first

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Well said 👍

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Sure I will. Thankyou.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Obviously this is not about Gujarati people. They are just the same people as anywhere else in India.

I have specifically mentioned Gujarati billionaires. You know which guys I am talking about.

There are many recent incidents to think of which points in a similar direction.

In Varanasi the livelihood of small boaters is being taken away by large steamers owned by Gujarati billionaires.

In Ayodhya 4500 houses and shops of poor people were bulldozed to build five star hotels owned by Gujarati property tycoons.

In Ahmedabad the biggest semiconductor plant is being built predominantly funded by tax money and low interest loans from Public sector banks but owned by Adani. I mean they literally own the country at this point and if you are paying taxes you are working for them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

That's exactly what is happening in India.

Even this contemporary push for hindu nationalism is already making inequality worse than before.

Corruption, unemployment, inflation is getting worse which will further expand the gap between haves and have nots and people are being distracted with culture wars.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

There is ample of evidence.

Gujarati businesses are taking over others and driving out local businesses with the help of the government.

A case study of this is the large steamers of Gujarati billionaires that are driving small boaters out of their livelihood in Varanasi

4500 Poor people's houses and shops bulldozed to build five star hotels owned by Gujarati property tycoons in Ayodhya

World's largest semiconductor plant being built in Ahmedabad completely bankrolled by taxpayers money but owned by Adani a Gujarati billionaire.

Go search yourself there is plenty of evidence.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

People who voted BJP in the cow belt are also voting for high caste appeasement.

Building temples is not going to fix unemployment; inflation; corruption; rape culture.

Ergo it's just appeasement. No real benifit. Like giving candy to a baby knowing their teeth will rot.

But most people voted for major issues this time like poverty, unemployment and inflation which affect the poor and middle classes

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Yes. Even if India becomes the largest economy by GDP

What is the point when per capita income rank is 136 and HDI rank at 134.

And the majority of people make less than $4 a day.

That's not gonna improve by much.

Right now 810 million people are extremely poor dependent on free food grains.

It's only getting worse.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It means exotic dance. Modi used the word in his campaign speeches to target opposition.

BJP is a far right hindu supremacist party serving a handful of Billionaires. Sort of like Trump and republicans. After 10 years of distracting people from major issues like corruption, inflation, unemployment, safety of women with theopolitics they finally lost the majority and now they are only in power because of the support of two left wing parties who could leave them anytime.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Every little contribution helps. I am not a loyalist of any party but you have to play your part to keep democracy alive.

In fact I am a big fan of both Vajpayee government and Manmohan Singh government. Both maintained the sanctity of the post of prime minister. The biggest public servant. Then Modi came and started his "Mujra"

Otherwise not much can stop billionaires funded authoritarian hatemongery from taking the gullible population for a ride.

Now BJP is crippled and just barely standing on the legs of two left wing parties who hate them.

Even if Modi remains in power you will see him becoming a docile housecat

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