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[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

Even democrats are homophobic in Texas.


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The killer was only 14 and had lived in youth homes as a ward of the authorities since he was eight.

A year ago, a gang helped the boy escape, put him up in a hotel and gave him cannabis, food and new clothes. Six days later, gang members told him it was time to repay them for their kindness. They had a job for him.

Together with another youth, the boy, who as a juvenile cannot be identified, shot dead a 33-year-old Hells Angels biker. He was convicted by a court which described the case as a gangland contract killing.

As he was too young to be sentenced, he was handed back to social services and sent to another youth home.

Sweden has long prided itself on one of the world's most generous social safety nets, with a state that looks after vulnerable people at all stages of life.

But these days it also has another distinction: by far the highest per capita rate of gun violence in the EU. Last year 55 people were shot dead in 363 separate shootings in a country of just 10 million people. By comparison, there were just six fatal shootings in the three other Nordic countries - Norway, Finland and Denmark - combined.


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Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for compulsory service, a landmark decision that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel continues to wage war in Gaza.

The historic ruling effectively puts an end to a decades-old system that granted ultra-Orthodox men broad exemptions from military service while maintaining mandatory enlistment for the country’s secular Jewish majority. The arrangement, deemed discriminatory by critics, has created a deep chasm in Israel’s Jewish majority over who should shoulder the burden of protecting the country.

The court struck down a law that codified exemptions in 2017, but repeated court extensions and government delaying tactics over a replacement dragged out a resolution for years. The court ruled that in the absence of a law, Israel’s compulsory military service applies to the ultra-Orthodox like any other citizen.

Under longstanding arrangements, ultra-Orthodox men have been exempt from the draft, which is compulsory for most Jewish men and women.


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In the wake of Texas’ abortion ban, the state’s infant death rate increased and more died of birth defects, a study published Monday shows.

The analysis out of Johns Hopkins University is the latest research to find higher infant mortality rates in states with abortion restrictions.

The researchers looked at how many infants died before their first birthday after Texas adopted its abortion ban in September 2021. They compared infant deaths in Texas to those in 28 states — some also with restrictions. The researchers calculated that there were 216 more deaths in Texas than expected between March and December the next year.

In Texas, the 2022 mortality rate for infants went up 8% to 5.75 per 1,000 births, compared to a 2% increase in the rest of the U.S., according to the study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.


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Women have more rights now in UAE than US?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Blockchain based voting leaves a permanent and indelible record on the blockchain for all to see.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

He will never resign. If he resigned all the privatisation contracts will be restructured and therefore all the billionaires investing in railways like Adani logistics will crank Modi's ass since all the railway stocks will crash.

Modi needs all yes men in the cabinet and billionaires need a Yes man as PM.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I love Dolly. My mom loves Dolly. Half of the population is her fan.

And She might be the only celebrity in Tennessee to support LGBTQ+

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

I am not in favour of EVMs here.

However there are pros and cons for both systems

I am just saying if you go for an electronic voting system using an airtight blockchain like Bitcoin and ethereum to verify votes using a biometric database is the only system trustworthy enough because.

If you use multiple blockchains like these it would require 10 trillion dollars or more to get the computing and staking power to hack the system.

It's inconceivably costlier than hacking a physical election.

Russia also has paper ballots and I can assure you we can easily kick out Putin with a blockchain based voting system.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

That gives so much more opportunity for human intervention.

A good locksmith is all it takes to manipulate the votes.

Even if you keep it under tight security and surveillance they can bribe the security.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah many places are like that. Self-service should not have a tipping option. Because anyway the corporates have already stolen the jobs of servers there and then they want to be tipped for that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

The issue here is that although India's National food regulatory body called FSSAI have maintained that the pesticide is within safe level of 0.1 mg per grams

But Rajasthan state government tested them at their own labs and found 7mg per grams of ethylene oxide. 70 times more than what's safe for consumption.

Ethylene oxide is a gaseous pesticide which is also used as a fumigant to preserve the spices. After the fumigation the spices have to be aerated for long enough so all of the ethylene oxide evaporates away.

Now clearly someone at the processing facility is either cutting corners or being pushed by operation management to meet targets and not aerating the spices for a sufficient duration.

And both. Indian and American federal regulators like FSSAI, FDA and USDA are just shrugging it off.

However some state regulators have taken the matter seriously. Ethylene oxide is a grade 1 carcinogen.

Kind of how FAA shrugged it off when a few 737 MAX dropped from the sky like it was nothing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

The products included MDH's Madras Curry Powder, Sambhar Masala Mixed Masala Powder, and Curry Powder Mixed Masala Powder, and Everest's Fish Curry Masala.

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