My favourite is
You know, sometimes I wish your real parents were still alive. Not often, though.
My favourite is
You know, sometimes I wish your real parents were still alive. Not often, though.
Ben getting tagged and losing tonnes of coins twice in pretty rapid succession is surprisingly bad play from him. I’m feeling like Sam and Scotty are going to steam roll Ben & Adam here and take this to the tiebreak
Starfield and Forza Motorsport. Been waiting years for them and what we’ve seen so far looks really promising
I definitely wasn’t vibing with Need for Speed Unbound enough to buy it, but I’m more than happy to give it a play on Game Pass. This is one of the things I really like about Game Pass, as well as getting big-hitter first party games like Forza Motorsport and Starfield, it also offers an outlet to just check out games you otherwise might not have bothered with, but can probably still get some enjoyment out of. It’s really given a resurgence to the like B-tier of games that had way more prominence in like the PS2 era. Not everything needs to be a slam dunk great to be enjoyable, but with the high cost of new games now it can be difficult to justify the price for those that aren’t. Just passively getting access to them as part of a subscription really fixes that issue.
I checked out the F123 Game Trial on EA Play, seems like they really improved the handling this time - cars are a lot less nervous than last year so when traction breaks you have much more opportunity to correct the slide and keep going rather than being spat out into a wall or something. And on the other end, a lot less unaccountable turn in understeer. I also got PS2 Emulation working on my phone so I’m playing some Gran Turismo 3 & 4. I had been playing 7, but while the driving is pretty good…The Campaign structure and the AI leave a lot to be desired. So I figured I’d replay some classics while I wait for Forza Motorsport this October.
I do think it’s a bit odd they used the Unsportsmanlike Conduct rule for it, but it’s also a perfectly valid way to enforce a longstanding precedent. Exploiting the Safety Car rules to impede other drivers has been pretty consistently off limits, so it feels like a bit of a storm in a teacup to kick up a fuss over the wording used for the breach. It’s not like the penalty was unusual, a 5s Time Penalty is basically the weakest possible sporting penalty outside things which are effectively warnings.
Registered for all four UK Cities! Preference order is Edinburgh, London, Liverpool, Cardiff but I will take a ticket to any of them
Wooo, wooo, wooo-ooh, wooo, wooo, wooo-ooh Wooo, wooo, wooo-ooh, wooo, wooo, wooo… Barbra Streisand.
They’re pretty well liked in my family, I think my brother tends to stock up on either the Sea Salt or the Lightly Salted ridge cut when he’s visiting our parents. I’ve had them as a result, I think they’re alright.
This did cause me to find out they’re apparently being rebranded as “Taylor’s” following a sell off or something. I might have to alert the relatives lest there be panic about their crisps disappearing. I myself haven’t forgiven Walkers for getting rid of Barbecue flavour.
And I’m absolutely sure they’d have said the same thing if the wobbly rear wing had been on a car in front of theirs instead. Yep. 100%.
Honestly he should count himself lucky he got away with only one such penalty. I suspect he won’t though, he tends to be quite stubborn about insisting he’s not at fault even when he blatantly is.
Zuckerberg is a surprisingly decent jiu jitsu practitioner as well as being younger and in better shape, so I’m reasonably certain he’d mop the floor with Musk.