
joined 1 year ago
[–] Syrc 2 points 1 week ago

Well, they knew it was coming though (I think?), so they were dissing them, it’s just that we didn’t know.

[–] Syrc 1 points 1 week ago

BOY, the quality. Loved all the outfit-swapping, and glad to see she’s still working with DuDul.

Also, holy shit the views. This could easily become one of the most viewed hololive songs.

[–] Syrc 2 points 1 week ago

Astel did it with his Mela cover too, people in the membership sent him an audio file and he picked some (not sure if all?) for the song. Also the video is all fanarts, iirc.

[–] Syrc 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I can’t believe they’re already dissing Justice, smh

[–] Syrc 1 points 1 week ago

Hey, the situation isn’t so grim. At a certain point, old people will die and maybe then we’ll be able to elect sensible politicians.

[–] Syrc 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wasn’t aware that EVs were already that heavy. Then yeah, I guess that’s definitely not feasible, at least not at the moment.

[–] Syrc 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So it looks like we have:

-Singer Mommy (British I guess?)

-Gamer Gremlin

-Weeb Artist

…and I’m not sure what to expect from Cecilia. If classical music is actually one of her focuses it could be interesting. Looking forward to all four!

[–] Syrc 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Didn’t sodium batteries start getting marketed recently?

[–] Syrc 28 points 1 week ago (1 children)

He’s a whistleblower. Corrupt corpos/countries hate whistleblowers. Reddit/Lemmy users hate corrupt corpos/countries. There.

It’s as easy as that, no need to bring out conspiracies.

[–] Syrc 1 points 1 week ago

I personally already know the connotation of “female/s” in English and avoid using it, so that’s not an issue for me.

It was more of a reminder (to some native speakers, yeah, I shouldn’t have generalized) not to assume the worst of people saying it, because they might not know. In the whole thread there was just this one comment reminding people that ESL people exist, and it was pretty downvoted so I wanted to add on that.

Plus, as you said, most of those Tate-types have a dozen other red flags attached to them, so imo there’s not really any point in attacking people just for misusing a word (especially online where you can’t rely on vocal inflection or accent). It just drives non-native speakers away from conversations.

(Also, ironically, as far as I know “cunt” is pretty much a greeting in Australia so even from that alone you can’t really assume anything. Context is always important, unless you know 100% you’re speaking with someone who grew up in the same country)

[–] Syrc 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This, so much. In my language, even as little kids, they called us “males and females”, very rarely “boys and girls”.

Native speakers need to understand that not everyone knows all the connotations that come from every english word. Especially considering some of them are vastly different based on whether it’s used in USA, UK or Australia.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Syrc to c/hololive

Canvas (Lemmy’s version of r/place) started today (at, and I figured trying to place at least the main logo (maybe Stars too) would be cool.

If anyone wants to help I’d love it, there’s even a built-in way to add a template in the options (I’m currently using the original 2022 one, starts at 812,486).

Either way, I’m still going to put it there or die trying, so if you see something resembling it in the final canvas you know whose fault it is lol

Weird logout issue? (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Syrc to c/support

Basically, I was trying to view this post from this instance and for some reason the picture wouldn’t show up in regular browsing. So I tried clicking it and multiple times, without fail, every time I open it I get logged out from Any reason why might this happen?

This is the link in question:

submitted 11 months ago by Syrc to c/support

I’ve been logged out from my account three times in the past hour. Is something weird happening again?

I’ve been on during yesterday’s redirecting issues, if it matters.

How does the Modlog actually work? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 11 months ago by Syrc to c/nostupidquestions

So, I recently came across a post on (my current instance) where every comment showed up as "removed by mod". I was curious to see what happened, so I opened the Modlog, filtered by "Removing Comments" and cycled through all the mods of that community (not sure if there's a better way), but found absolutely nothing. Am I using it in the wrong way? I can link to the post if the moderators confirm it doesn't count as witch-hunting.


Additional info:

  • The ready button works with all kind of raid passes
  • The ready button works in both public and private lobby
  • The ready button will only be enabled when there is 2 or more players in lobby so no instant solo
  • The ready button disappears when there is 15s left
  • When all players are ready the countdown will move to 10s instantly
  • Once the lobby hit 20 players the countdown will move to 10s instantly. However players are still given a chance to leave without consuming a raid pass

Credit to u/Ox0c on Reddit

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Syrc to c/thesilphroad

Additional info:

  • The ready button works with all kind of raid passes
  • The ready button works in both public and private lobby
  • The ready button will only be enabled when there is 2 or more players in lobby so no instant solo
  • The ready button disappears when there is 15s left
  • When all players are ready the countdown will move to 10s instantly
  • Once the lobby hit 20 players the countdown will move to 10s instantly. However players are still given a chance to leave without consuming a raid pass

Credit to u/Ox0c on Reddit

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