I'll look them up, thanks for the recommendation!
Yeah, they definitely need some way of communicating better without voice, but I'm sure that's a lower priority right now.
I agree, the readability of what exactly is happening across the whole game or even what's directly around you can be difficult, but I feel like UI is probably something thar still has a lot of work to be done and is probably a lower priority right now so it's understandable.
Yeah, I have a feeling I'll probably be turning voice comms off soonish.
I came to the same conclusion about my usual disinterest in books stemming from me having Aphantasia. The only kinds of books I've been able to consistently get through are very comedic in their writing style (e.g. Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Dennis E. Taylor, etc.). I think the focus on humor instead of visualizing the story and its world is what helps me when it comes to reading books.
Pretty strong case of Aphantasia here, it never even occurred to me that people actually saw things in their minds eye and thought it was more a metaphor or something. I do, however, have a very talkative internal monologue. I have a friend who has no internal monologue paired with Aphantasia, I always enjoy talking with them about their experience and how it differs from my own.
It's really interesting to me how people's internal experience can differ and how we can never truly know what these different experiences are like.
Oh wow, this is a 9 year old reddit thread? The author of this article is really digging for content.
I'm no scientist, but I don't really know how you can have a study of a psychoactive drug and the participants not be able to guess if they had the drug or the placebo.
I think we need a bit more attention on the different heating coils in disposable vapes as well. I do my best to get cartridges with ceramic heating coils (so I'm not potentially inhaling burnt metals), but it's not exactly easy to figure out which cartridges have them and which ones don't.
Thanks for pointing this out, I've come across similar information myself, but what I'm saying is I want to see more studies that distinguish between vaping and smoking at the very least. The op article at least acknowledged that they assume most people in the study smoked, but a lot of studies I've read in the past don't even point out that the consumption method could have an impact on the data.
Seems like a lot of effort.
Have you ever looked into psilocybin?