The small text is in Catalan (not Spanish). I'm curious how many people learn more than Spanish before going to Spain .
NYS's legal dispensery license roll out has been a shitshow . Contrast that with New Mexico's and it looks even worse . NM and NY legalized recreational about the same time . NM went with a more free market approach and (don't quote me on this) has close to one dispensery per 2000 residents at the moment (data at How NY messed up so bad is beyond me .
Same artist who did the art work for 'DMT: the spirt molecule' right ?
I actually didn't care when there was an ad in the beginning of the video or what not. It was when I had to start watching multiple ads in the middle of a 10 minute video as well. Like come on, not even broadcast TV is that annoying.
Please don't make me feel old.
I totally missed that back then. Go figure.
Setting up a controller seems quite involved, has the new release made this easier ?
Buy bitcoin.
. Or they could have added a little bit of code to their CPU ID utility that says "yupp your processor is effected by the flaw".
That is a fair point.
Who cares he has 47 weapons. You only have 2 hands. What you think he is going to do? Strap 30 glocks to his leg?
Well he is from Cali, so yes. NY reload due to mag capacity issues.
This. Nano emulsion edibles hit me fast . Effects around the 15 minute mark .