From Ricky Gervais' show After Life.
Brother. I really disliked the first book too. Never read the others. It's hard to find people that will admit to not seeing the Emperor's clothes with this book. You can find a few on goodreads if you dig.
Its just bad.
I once heard someone say that something was scattered "all over hell and half of Georgia". I use that all the time now.
Was wondering the same thing. Not even camouflage stripped down and aligned like that. Don't get it.
Embedded systems developer here. If you're programming on ARM or one of the other big microcontrollers there aren't many well supported options. ARM's official Keil compiler and libraries are C and C++ and I see no official movement to change that.
They have literally decades in building those tools.
Microsoft's multithreaded OS ThreadX is C code. They just bought it for a large undisclosed amount in 2018. It ain't going anywhere soon.
AWS's FreeRTOS is C. Not going anywhere.
Embedded development toolchains are very slow to change.
I meant faster than Python, not faster than Rust. Rust is fast.
Nevermind that the C++ program is two orders of magnitude faster when completed.
I would love to learn and use Rust but I'm a embedded systems guy. Everything of consequence is C and C++.
Dude went the the mofo Mayo Clinic for dehydration. Gets a $5000 bill.
Surprised Pikachu face.
“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”
- Clarence Darrow
Dude. I'm 59 and big. Just looking at that picture made my knees pop.
I have always contended that bread is just raw toast.
Toast is life.