At a guess, the number being needed to pass the validation? Though the strong tag does give it a better dad-joke vibe.
“I was being sarcastic” surely could be the defensible response… right… right?!~/s~
Don’t want to assume where you live, I found several available as a poster/print by searching “Milky Way Galaxy Map Poster”
(“google it” is often a scornful response, please know that is not my intention here.)
(Sincere) are you implying that these pictures are the elite/upper class and the counter narrative is more the norm of the time?
Edit: nvm, other comments in the feed seem to add further context.
Seems like significant weather events, but who the fuck can tell really.
But that first purge feels so healthy though!
Epitome and Penchant for me. Mocked mercilessly for those two.
I read recently that white plastic was the more expensive color to produce. I wanted to cite/link a source but internet search is frustratingly bad these days.
Edit: Not quite what I read but close enough.
Ridiculous isn’t it? I had my annual physical a few weeks back, which for me is filling an online form and having my blood pressure read and a few blood tests. $550, insurance pays for everything.
Well. Almost. Turns out 2 of my blood tests were not covered by some healthcare bill passed in 2007. $267. And the mole I asked to be checked, billing code wasn’t covered as standard checkup, and so that question was $240. Mole was benign, and surprisingly didn’t result in some convenience fee.
I made the numbers up as I don’t recall them offhand but my energy company effectively has this policy now. :/