Kicking out the Greens is finally bearing fruit is it?
He should get a medal for killing so many vatniks.
Well this paper isn't about intelligence or psychology, it's about physiology. Reaction times and rhythmic anticipation tests are all quite well-grounded and established tests.
Secondly, I've had a brief scan of that 3.5hr long video and dipped in and out of a few places are familiar to me. Straight away I notice she's reading out the conclusions from the Anderson paper on Hunter-Gatherers that came out last year (to huge media attention) but which was not well received by anthropologists who went through the stats and found the whole thing to be a biased mess (see: It would be unfair to blame the original authors since they were all (and I believe still are) undergraduates and so the PI should've been more rigorous. Then I briefly dipped into her 'debunking' of the selfish gene where she opens with the astonishing take that bipedism isn't a heritable trait...this is not the voice of an expert and there are better critiques of the shortcomings in evopsych out there.
I am not familiar with that individual, I assume you don't mean the musician on YouTube that Google found for me?
The implications for female sports seem quite apparent.
Disaster capitalists.
There is no government at the moment, parliament isn't sitting, there isn't a health minister, there is no one for the docs to negotiate with. All this does is further increase the backlog for operations which is not something that typically endears you to the public.
Docs have made a strategic mistake for striking in the middle of election when negotiations are impossible.
Yup, gets his face on the front pages the same day as the big Labour/Tory debate on ITV. Whoever threw it has done Farage a huge favour.
It is not a pointless difference. The use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists have been banned in the UK for the treatment of gender dysphoria. They are of course still available for treating precocious puberty, regardless of how anyone identifies.
I predict they will formally merge with Reform UK during the next election cycle. Too much money behind them for them to just disappear into the political wilderness.