
joined 2 years ago
[–] StayDoomed 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

For the federal government it is 1 or 2 years depending on your job type.

[–] StayDoomed 10 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

A lot of these regulations are in place at the direction of congress through laws they have passed. That's where the authority comes from.... I don't see how republicans will be able to repeal these laws quickly. So how far can Musk really go when legislation can still be stalled and/or fillibustered?

Hopefully some semblance of the balance of power holds. Federal regulations are often times the bare minimum with states adding in more stringent requirements.

[–] StayDoomed 3 points 1 month ago

I've had to rent out rooms and the basement of my home as a "landlord" and I lowered the rent on people in stead of raising it because they were giving me enough to cover part of my mortgage. It still felt shitty and exploitative to do. Especially if something broke and they had to wait to say, use the toilet.

I'd never want to do that again if possible. Also my "tenants" were not people or friends I knew beforehand. I just tried not to be a piece of shit about it.

When I see "real estate experts" gouging people to buy more real estate and bragging on social media about it - I do think they are, in fact, fucking parasites on people that do actually contribute to society. It doesn't have to be this way. Housing should not be a commodity.

[–] StayDoomed 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's as simple as you need people to actually enforce laws and carry out programs laid out by Congress.

I don't think you understand how laws work. The laws I work to to support were promulgated in the 1970s after rivers were lighting on fire.

They are complicated to enforce because the companies that cause environmental harm can afford high powered attorneys and lobbyists to prevent them from being enforced.

There is no one working on behalf of the american people to try to meet the intent of many of these laws we rely on - such as those to keep our environment, air we breathe, water we drink, relatively safe. Other than those in the government that have the authority to do so.

I don't know how all of the other various agencies work specifically, but that's generally what people are doing in the government

You don't seem to understand this so you don't value it. I think once it gets more fucked up, you will. This isn't a liberal or conservative thing. The laws I work with were put on the books by Nixon. This is a rich stealing from you issue. Not left/right.

But maybe you are just troll, probably.

[–] StayDoomed 3 points 1 month ago

With the bills proposed by the house right now federal workers won't have great benefits for long. Benefits are better on the county level in many cases already.

[–] StayDoomed 19 points 1 month ago

It's a dark day, probably one of many, to be a civil servant. But eggs were too expensive and we need more billionaires apparently.

[–] StayDoomed 163 points 1 month ago (17 children)

They are going to be stuck rehiring people that resign as consultants because they won't have the people to run the legally required programs in place.

It will end up costing more money for the government.

I have little hope that the people that actually vote will even remember how fucked all this is two years from now.

[–] StayDoomed 38 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Maybe they will leave oligarch owned social media next.

[–] StayDoomed 4 points 1 month ago

Guess they are more concerned with their stock values than having any kind of purpose or morals.

[–] StayDoomed 3 points 2 months ago

The secret level from toe jam and big earl.

[–] StayDoomed 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I don't want to repeat 2016. The media goes hyperbolic over every stupid speech or tweet this man makes. 90% of it doesn't get done. The 10% that does.... Will suck. And I can't do anything about that at this point, enough of the country voted for him because of inflation that he got into to power because they don't understand how government and inflation works.

I'm not going to raise my blood pressure over news that is just outrage porn this time. Shit is going to get worse, and I can't do anything about it as a federal worker other than do my job and wait it out.

Then try to help rebuild the institution I work for after it is hollowed out by the incompetent political appointees made my the incoming admin once the political pendulum swing again in on the axis of low information capricious swing voters in this country.

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