Well shit. If there is I haven't noticed for like 15 years
Honestly, this is pretty in-character for both of them.
And as we all know, if it isn't Randian Anarcho-capitalism, then it's Communism, baby!
I really love this concept; part Treasure Planet, part Jim Butcher's Cinder Spires.
"In the same way that the internet democratized access to information, we hope that wireless energy transfer democratizes access to energy."
They gotta stop saying that out loud, or Edison's ghost is going to Tesla them.
So glad this is what Ted is focusing on.
But honestly, if it gets him to stop fomenting hostility toward trans people like my brother, I can live with whining about a toy movie.
I feel like I'm the only person who's been actively excited for Skull and Bones. I would love a modern AAA pirate game. Sea of Theives is pretty cheesy, and there's not much in the way of narrative exploration. But a really solid Ubisoft pirate game that isn't tied to Black Flag could be great.
Oh, and there's a version of True Storms for Fallout too. I recommend that mod for both Skyrim and FO4.
I use Start Me Up, which is fun if you want to roleplay. It lets you choose where to start, and it works in the main quest with tweaked dialogue.
Most of the rest of mine have to do with settlements and crafting. Armorsmith Extended and Universal Clothing Overhaul are my favorites. Place Anywhere does exactly what it sounds like, and best of all it lets you move things up and down and toggle the snapping features on and off.
I don't want to exaggerate, but that looks like it might be the single greatest D&D campaign ever hosted.
Resist the urge, brother! Grass is temporary. Gabe is forever.
Okay, cool. Done. Thank you! I wasn't sure which to use.