Thats iphone prices nowadays
Boot licker and class traitor so. Maybe you would be out beyond poverty if you stood with your people instead of defending the elites
What annoys me is the buttons are not editable, I want plex not rakuten. I have only ever pressed that bu accident. Samsung suck
Sony are cunts but they were a close second to LG, so if they have upped their game at a similar price point I'll be interested. Panasonic is always strong too.
Samsung suck definitely good to stay away, Sony or Panasonic.
And that sluggish UI is intentional to make it feel old. There is no way that their basic ass gui is taxing the system.
I have a 65G1 and I love it but having it locked down sucks and I wont be getting another LG if there anything close to theie featureset available.
This exaxt comment could have been for 1080 to 4K. That said 4k has had a lot less fanfare to HD.
I dropped all the TLDR channels, they are not clued in enough to be talking in such depth on most topics.
I was on board with MK since trilogy, the ps2 era was the best for pushing the envelope and now I expect more from them. I want to play the chess game, the karting, create a fighter, actual story konquest. The works.
The lean into online sucks too
The founder still made it do what it does.
Heey, I have been doing the same. Sick of all of the manufacurers to be fair. I mostly buy the games seocnd hand too because publishers suck, last ones I supported were IOI and if they push always on internet connection in the 007 game I will pirate it.
Sure I am buddy, everyone else always is I bet.