Works for dogs too!
It is a smiley face.. sorry for the bad quality
I have the exact same issue! Haven't met anyone else with the same problem yet. Really sucks that more and more non-diet drinks are containing some amount of artificial sweetener.
Really? You can buy a mix of nutella and peanut butter here in one jar (not mixed through but in the same jar like the colors of toothpaste)
They are not responsible per se, although you could claim rich countries have a responsibility towards poorer countries to help out. However, the way they stopped funding these projects, abruptly and without warning, means that other funders can't step in in time and charities organizing this help have no way to find solutions before people die. It is unnecessarily harmful.
As a sidenote, many issues charities are trying to help with are caused by climate change (for which richer countries are responsible in larger part) or past colonialism/exploitation by these richer countries, so they do have a responsibility.
This is all general stuff and not specific to this example..
And yet here's me rushing to pull my dog away from gobbling up his own vomit
Our dog does the same, so cute!
Are annual welness exams common in the us? I've only ever gone to the doctor when somethings wrong. Presumably urgent cases can still be booked within a few days?
I recently moved to france and they just don't sell kale around where I live. Stampot cravings get real!
To add to that, although women have millions of eggs to start with, most of these don't mature and you even lose about a quarter before your first period. The idea is that women with dizygotic twins have increased maturation, causing a higher incidence of releasing two eggs simultaneous and that also leads to faster decreases in eggs. At menopause most women have no eggs left in the ovaries.
Many of the stationary bikes power their own display. I think thats about all you can do with so little energy.
I haven't been able to go to the market without being handed at least one mandarine for free since december.